UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 162

Consider the following differences between Solar day and Sidereal day:
  1. While Solar day is measured by the apparent diurnal motion of the sun, sidereal day is measured with respect to the distant stars
  2. The sidereal day is four minutes shorter than the solar day
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Which of the following is / are correct features about the geographical features called Drumlins?
  1. They are formed due to glacial action
  2. The refer to the elongated hills formed in the till plains
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Which of the following is / are correct statement about the Cartagena protocol, which is seen in news frequently?
  1. This protocol is an international agreement to ensure the safe handling of living modified organisms
  2. The Protocol establishes a Biosafety Clearing-House to facilitate the exchange of information on living modified organisms
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
World's first hybrid "aeroboat" capable of travelling on land, water, snow and sand that has been built by a joint venture of India and _?
Consider the following entities:
  1. Airtel
  2. Paytm
  3. India Post
As of now, which of the above has/have received "payment bank" permit?

1 Comment

  1. Priyansu Das

    August 17, 2019 at 9:26 am

    It’s an outstanding app…. love it….


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