UPSC Prelims Mini Mock Test: 139

Which of the following Constitution Amendment Act grants citizens a fundamental right to form cooperative societies?
  Consider the following statements about the Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address:
  1. The discussion on Motion of Thanks is initiated by the proposer of the Motion followed by the seconder who are selected by the Prime Minister
  2. If an amendment to the President’s Address is passed in the Lok Sabha, the government has to resign
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about Charter Act of 1813:
  1. The Act ended the monopoly of the East India Company in India
  2. The Act expressly asserted the Crown’s sovereignty over the British India
  3. It established provision for spending Rs 1 Lakh every year to promote education in Indian masses
  Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Which space observatory has captured the rare phenomenon of a small, 6-billion-year-old “vampire” star “preying” on a bigger celestial body?
Consider the following statements about the Quantum Satellite:
  1. Quantum satellite is also known as nanosatellite
  2. India launched the world’s first quantum satellite called Micius
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

1 Comment

  1. AMIT KUMAR Abhishek

    July 30, 2019 at 1:27 am

    I got 9.33/20 with 16th rank at the present, so satisfied but need great effort to perform better.


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