Page-8 of UPSC Mains

Trends and Issues in Revenue Expenditure of Government

Revenue expenditures are those expenditures of the government which are used for running the show and don’t create any productive assets and don’t reduce liabilities. These include operational and administrative expenses, welfare schemes, subsidies, pensions, salaries, interest payments, grants, money ..

Deficits of States: Trends and Implications for Resource Mobilization

The Reserve Bank of India in its “State Finances: A Study of Budgets of 2016-17” has provided a consolidated fiscal health of the states. This study has reflected the fiscal position of centre as well as states in detail for the ..

Various Entities Launched In Recent Times for Mobilization of Resources

As part of Reforms, the government in recent years have established institutions for long-term pools of capital across a various sectors ranging from infrastructure to agriculture, from start-ups to education.  In this article, we are discussing on how the National ..

Fiscal Consolidation & FRBM Act: Various Issues

Fiscal consolidation is a process of reducing the government’s fiscal deficit and improving fiscal health of the government. In last two years, India has continued on path of fiscal consolidation due to array of reasons including lesser fuel subsidies, targeted ..

Demonetisation and Its impacts on Tax Revenues

On November 8, 2016, the Union Government had demonetised old Rs.500 and Rs. 1,000 notes from November 2016 on the recommendations of the RBI’s central board to eliminate unaccounted money and fake currency notes from the financial system. Here is ..

Low ratio of Financial Assets in Household Savings and Resource Mobilization

In India, most part of saving is generated by the households but bulk of those savings is locked into unproductive physical assets. This article tries to make a brief analysis of this on resource mobilization. Indian Public and its perception ..

Meaning of Mobilization of Resources

Mobilization of resources is all about how a government or governmental department / organization or a non-governmental organization can mobilize the material resources (including finance) to carry out its development projects or mission. For government, the mobilization of resources stands ..

Social Sector Planning: Assessment of the SATH Initiative

Recently, NITI Aayog has initiated SATH (Sustainable Action for Transforming Human capital), a unique and novel initiative to catalyze the change in social sectors. This programme was launched to identify and build three future ‘role model’ states for health and education sector. ..

Defence and Internal Security as part of planning

The new 15-year long-term vision has also included defence and internal security within its ambit. This entails strategic analysis of those aspects of security which are dependent on other aspects such as external affairs, economic issues and technology issues. This ..

NITI Aayog’s Three Year action agenda: An Objective Analysis

Here is a further objective analysis of the 15 years vision, seven year strategy and three year action agenda of the NITI Aayog. We have already discussed that that the 12th Five Year Plan was the last of the five ..