Page-50 of UPSC Mains

Types of Tariffs

A tariff or customs duty is a financial charge in the form of a tax, imposed at the border on goods going from one customs territory to another. Tariffs applied to imports are usually collected by customs officials of the ..

WTO Trade Remedies

According to the WTO rules, the members can also temporarily depart from some of their basic WTO obligations in order to remedy a situation of unfair competition or a surge of imports, when these cause injury to the domestic industry, ..

Trade Policy Review Mechanism

The WTO’s Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) was a result of the Uruguay Round. With the creation of the WTO in 1995, it was made permanent and broadened to cover also trade in services and trade- related aspects of intellectual ..

World Trade Organization

The WTO is an inter-governmental organization for governments to negotiate global trade agreements and progressively liberalizing trade. Currently, WTO has 164 members. The WTO operates a system of trade rules that apply to all its members. The WTO is also ..

Theories of International Trade

International trade refers to exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders. The main difference between the domestic trade and the international trade is of “cost of doing trade” because the international trade involves border costs such as tariffs ..

Mohalla Clinics in Delhi

Provision of primary healthcare system has been a big challenge in Indian healthcare system. The need for a functioning primary healthcare system, which can be accessible within a reasonable geographical distance, has been recognised long back in 1970s. The Alma ..

Competition Commission of India

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) was set up to replace the anachronistic Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission (MRTPC). It was established to eliminate practices that adversely affect competition in different industries/areas and protect interests of consumers and ensure ..

Government Decides to Do Away With Plan and Non- Plan Classification

On March 1, 2016, the government announced to do away with Plan and Non-Plan classification of expenditure from 2017-18.  Plan and non-plan classification was a major exercise in planning era. Plan expenditures were done as per planning and were also ..

Linguistic Minority in India

A linguistic minority is a class of people whose mother tongue is different from that of the majority in the state or part of a state. the constitution provides for the protection of the interests of linguistic minorities. Article 350-A ..

Extraordinary Powers of President in Emergency under Article 365

Article 365 is an extension to emergency powers of President. The Constitution of India has provided the President of India the power to impose emergency using article 352 and article 365 on two different accounts, if the state does not ..