Page-49 of UPSC Mains

Major Activities of Dr. B R Ambedkar

Dr Ambedkar was a learned scholar, revolutionary and jurist who fought against untouchability and casteism. He upheld the rights of the Dalits and other socially backward classes throughout his life. He intended to integrate untouchables by providing education and exercise ..

Ethics: Contribution of Moral Thinkers – Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda was born in 1863 in Calcutta in an affluent family. While studying in Calcutta University, he acquired deep interest and mastery in Western Philosophy and History. For some time, he was associated with Brahmo Movement. Since early years, ..

Gandhian Ethics: Ethical Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi

The ideals and ideas of Mahatma Gandhi emanated partly from four major sources as follows: His inner religious convictions including ethical principles embedded in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Christianity From the exigencies of his struggle against apartheid in South Africa ..

Ethics in Jainism

Jain ethical philosophy revolves around three jewels of Jainism {Triratna}, five great vows (Panch mahavratas), seven vows (vratas) for the laity, 11 vows for advanced laity, right penance, right contemplation (dhyana) and 12 reflections (bhavanas). Pancha Mahavratas These refer to ..

Ethics in Buddhism

Ethics in Buddhism are based on the enlightened perspective of the Buddha. Morality is woven into the fabric of Buddhism; and all major Buddhist schools emphasize the importance of the moral life. Four Noble Truths and Eight Fold Path Buddha laid out guidelines for each of ..

Ethics of Care of Carol Gilligan

Carol Gilligan challenged Lawrence Kohlberg’s stage theory of moral development. Gilligan argued that his model was male biased, and failed to include the perspectives of women, and downgraded women to the status of deviants from the norm.  She proposed a ..

Ethical Thoughts of Socrates

Socrates was the first systematic moral thinker, who led an exemplary life spending most of his time in philosophical discussion. He himself did not write anything. Instead he questioned people on philosophical issues, especially about the nature of the good ..

Role of Families & Society in Inculcating Values

Family is the foundation on which values are built. Moral values like truthfulness, happiness, peace, justice are instilled in children’s thoughts, feelings and actions and they function as ideals and standards that govern their actions in their life. The value ..