Page-48 of UPSC Mains
Role of educational institutions in inculcating values
The prime concern of education is to evolve the good, the true and the divine in man so as to establish a moral life in the world. It should essentially make a man pious, perfect and truthful. The welfare of ..
Objectivity, Empathy and Compassion towards weaker sections
As per the Nolan Committee, objectivity refers to carrying public business which includes making public appointments, awarding contracts and making recommendations for various rewards and benefits, purely on the basis of merit. All these values compliment each-other. Any evaluation based ..
Accountability: Meaning & Concept
Accountability is a mechanism designed to ensure that the affairs or the entities are conducted with due regard to the interests of those who are interested in the affairs of the entity. Accountability guarantees actions and decisions taken by public ..
Ethics and Integrity: Corruption in Private Bodies
The private sector is no more a victim of corruption in India. Instead, it is instrumental and hand-in-glove with public officers. The Global Corruption Report discusses the most promising tools to tackle corruption in business, identifies pressing areas for reform ..
Ethics & Integrity: Concept of Corporate Governance
In early 1990s, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) went ruined and lost billions of dollars for its depositors, shareholders and employees in U K similar to the Watergate scandal of USA. At that time the ‘Cadbury Committee’ ..
Role of Indian Culture in Inculcating Values
Indian culture plays an important role in inculcating values. There are four main values of life have been highlighted from Vedic periods that have been considered as basic values. They are Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (enjoyment) Moksa (salvation or ..
Ethics and Integrity: Impartiality & Non-partisanship
Impartiality means that, regardless of a public servants personal beliefs and preferences, and personal relationships with other servants or with members of the community; he or she must impartially serve the government of the day and treat members of the ..
Ethics : Contribution of Moral Thinkers – Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore had vast knowledge and there was perhaps no aspect of Indian life which escaped his searching eyes. He was a novelist, dramatist, educationist, penetrating social reformer and politician and gave his views about all that which concerned India. ..