Page-44 of UPSC Mains

World History: Unification of Germany

Germany was a ragbag of 314 states & 1474 estates i.e. total 1789 independent sovereign powers in the medieval times. These were held together by the absolute rule of the emperor and his troops. Here, the local patriotism was a ..

World History: Unification of Italy

Deciding the fate of the Italian regions, the Congress of Vienna (1815), the restored the pre-Napoleonic patchwork of independent governments, either directly ruled or strongly influenced by the prevailing European powers, particularly Austria. Thus, 5 main divisions restored and it ..

World History: Rise of Nationalism

From 1815 till 1848, several revolutions erupted in Europe. The Congress of Vienna had tried to restore the monarchies and territories that existed before the French Revolution. But in reality, the three forces were scrambling for power in Europe as ..

Central America & Mexican War of Independence

For centuries, the people of Europe were accustomed to monarchical rule while those of new world felt that there was little they could do, and they had nothing but to go along the European imperialist agenda. However, American and French ..

American Revolution

After the discovery of the American continent, there was a continuous migration of people from Europe to the New World. While the South America was colonized by Spain; the English and French established their colonies in North America. France and ..

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte was the military and political leader of France who changed the course of European Politics by his conquests. He was born in 1769 and remained emperor of France from 1804 to 1814. His career began in 1785, when ..

French Revolution

The French Revolution marked a turning point in the history of humankind as it put an end to the medieval monarchical absolutism, feudal laws and social inequality. It introduced for the first time the idea of republicanism based on “Liberty, ..

What was outcome of Thirty Years War?

The Thirty year war was fought between Catholics and Protestants in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648. It is considered to be one of the most devastating wars in Europe.  Though the war took place mainly within modern-day Germany, many ..