Page-41 of UPSC Mains
Ethics and Integrity: Social Influence and Persuasion
Persuasion is symbolic process in which communicators try to convince other people through transmission of a message to change their attitudes or behaviours. Thus, Persuasion is one form of social influence on attitude; in fact it represents the intersection of ..
Difference between Attitude and Aptitude
An aptitude is a component of a competency to do a certain kind of work at a certain level, which can also be considered “talent”. Aptitudes may be physical or mental. Aptitude is not knowledge, understanding, learned or acquired abilities ..
Principles for Managing Ethics in the Public Service
Public service is a public trust. Citizens expect public servants to serve the public interest with fairness and to manage public resources properly. Following cases of corruption and misuse of office all over the world, most advanced countries have prescribed ..
Ethics in Private and Public Relationships
Each individual plays various roles in society. The role played by them defines the relations with others. Every day, we play different roles {father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, husband, wife, teacher, student, doctor, leader, businessman, fried, foe, worker, employer, ..
Determinants Of Ethical Behaviour
There are few influences that determine whether behaviour and decisions are ethical or unethical. Legal Interpretations The need to control, legislate and regulate, the ethical conduct at the government, individual, and corporate levels has its roots back to the ancient ..
Tests to Determine Ethical Decisions
On the basis of various ancient and modern philosophies, various tests to determine the ethical decisions have been proposed such as smell test, utility test, rights test, exceptions test, choices test, justice test, common good test, character or virtue test ..
Various Issues Around Medical Council of India
In first week of April 2016, a Parliamentary Standing Committee had come up with its 92nd report on “Functioning of the Medical Council of India”. In this backgrounder, we look into various issues of functioning of the MCI. About Medical Council of ..
New Development Bank
New Development Bank (NDB) has been established by the BRICS countries to provide financial support to public and private projects via loans, guarantees, equity participation etc. This Shanghai based bank is currently headed by K V Kamath. The logo of the ..
Asian Development Bank
ADB is multilateral lending agency based in Manila, Philippines. It is dedicated to reduce poverty in Asia and the Pacific region through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration. Important Facts ADB has 67 members – 48 from ..
Glossary : International Organizations
Amnesty International It’s a Non-profit NGO founded in July 1961 by Peter Benenson in the United Kingdom. Its Global International Secretariat is in London, United Kingdom. Its objective is to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave ..