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World History: Crimean Crisis – 2014
So far there have been four Crimean crises in recent decades viz. those of 1994, 2003, 2006 and 2014. Not only that, the historic Crimean Wars of 1853-56, 1941-42 and 1944 find an important place in the modern world history. ..
World History: Arab-Israeli Wars (1948-present)
In order to understand the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, one has to go back more than 3,000 years. Both these two groups have historical ties to the land they are fighting to control. Ancient History of Israel Jews ..
World History: Vietnam War
Vietnam War (1950s to 1970s) was the longest and most polarizing conflict in the history of United States. This conflict was basically a proxy war but it took life of some 58,000 American soldiers and 1.5 million Vietnamese. For United ..
The Great Depression (1929-1940)
Depression is commonly defined as a severe and prolonged downturn in economic activity. It is a sustained recession lasting for two or more years. A depression is usually characterized by high unemployment rates, drop in available credit, bankruptcies, diminishing trade ..
World History: End of Cold War
The Key events that led to end of Cold War are discussed as follows: Detente and easing of tension Detente or a relaxation of tension, in the relations between the two super powers was a new development in the cold ..
World History: Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis (called October Crisis in Cuba and Caribbean Crisis in Russia) was a 13 day standoff among the Soviet Union, Cuba and the United States in October 1962, during the Cold War. The crisis started when in ..
World History: Suez Crisis, 1956
Suez Canal had opened in 1869 connecting the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Initially, it was a private organization co-owned by French Investors and government in Egypt. However, in 1875, Egypt sold its shares to Britain. Though Suez Canal was primarily ..
World History: Warsaw Pact
The Soviet Union viewed NATO as a threat. In response, the Soviets developed an alliance system in 1955 as part of their own containment policy. It was known as the Warsaw Pact. This alliance included the Soviet Union, Poland, East ..
World History: Hungarian Revolution
Since 1945, Hungary was controlled by Soviet Union. Thousands of Russian troops and hundreds of Tanks were deployed, and it was a kind of rule by force. The Hungarian leader Rakosi was a stooge of Stalin of Russia. The people ..