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UPSC Daily Prelims General Studies Quiz – 6

GKToday’s Daily General Studies Quiz – 6 for Civil Services (IAS, IFoS) and other UPSC Examinations (CDS, CAPF, Railways etc. ) 2017 and 2018 aspirants. This quiz has 10 questions on mosquito borne diseases, Operation Smile / Operation Muskan, Thermal plasma technology for waste treatment, Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs), Day of Deliverance, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, Port Trusts in India, Heat island and behavior of bar magnet on North Pole.

Separation of Powers in Constitution of India

In India, separation of functions is followed and not of powers and hence, the principle is not abided in its rigidity. In India, strict separation of powers is not followed as it is followed in the U.S. But a system ..

Doctrine of Separation of Powers: Meaning and History

The separation of powers, also known as trias politica, was first developed in ancient Greece and was widely used by the Roman Republic. The concept was the result of centuries of political and philosophical development. This model divides the state ..

Fiscal Federalism in India

Apart from separation of powers of taxation, constitution of India has provided for an institutional mechanism viz. Finance Commission for making recommendations to parliament on how the tax revenues between centre and states should be shared and how the imbalance ..

Issues and Challenges with Indian Federalism [Others]

We have so far discussed regionalism, diversity, division of powers and asymmetries of Indian constitution. Here are some of the other issues and challenges summarized for quick overview. Centralised Planning Although economic and social planning is found in the Concurrent ..

Asymmetries in Indian Federalism

One of the major concerns about the Indian federalism that it is asymmetric. By “Asymmetric” we mean that Indian federalism is based on unequal distribution of powers in political, administrative and fiscal spheres. Further, this asymmetry is both vertical {between ..

Indian Federalism and Division of Powers

The constitution has divided the legislative authority via 7th schedule {Union, State, and Concurrent Lists}. The residuary powers are vested in the Central government. Analysis The discussion on Indian Federalism and Division of powers must be analyzed in the light ..

Indian Federalism and Regionalism

The term regionalism has both negative and positive connotations. In negative sense, it denotes excessive preference to one’s region over nation. In positive sense, it denotes one’s love for his / her region, culture, language, etc. Regionalism in positive sense ..

UPSC Daily Prelims General Studies Quiz – 3

GKToday’s Daily General Studies Quiz 3 for UPSC Civil Services Examinations 2017. This quiz has 10 questions from GKToday’s Mock Test Series archives on Jurisdiction of High Courts, Panchayatan style of temples, Nishkam Karma Yoga, Growth cycle of mosquitoes, Triticale, A Code of Gentoo Laws, Types of climates, Earthquake and Secret Congress Radio (Modern History).

Pressure Groups versus Lobbying

Lobbying is a communication process used by members of a pressure group for persuasion. Lobbying is used to influence governmental policy process. It also acts as an instrument that links citizens and decision-makers. Lobbying takes place when a few members ..