Page-24 of UPSC Mains

Draft National Education Policy (NEP) 2016

The draft of National Education Policy (NEP) 2016 was released recently by the MHRD and suggestions were invited on the same from the public domain. The focus of the policy is to address gender discrimination, the creation of educational tribunals, and ..

Draft Indian National Defence University (INDU) Bill, 2015

In August 2016, a Draft Indian National Defence University (INDU) Bill, 2015 was put online and suggestions were invited from public for the proposed university. Background The idea of having a National level Defense University is not new. In 1967, ..

UPSC Daily Prelims General Studies Quiz – 10

GKToday’s Daily General Studies Quiz – 10 for Civil Services (IAS, IFoS) and other UPSC Examinations of 2017 and 2018 . This quiz has 10 questions on General Physics, Attorney General of India, Vice-President of India, pesticide packaging standard, Bio-amplification, plant adaptations, Difference between private and public companies, Ecological Pyramids etc. Questions of this quiz are from archives of Integrated IAS General Studies Programme.

Issues with Cadre Based Organisation of Civil Services in India

Once the candidatures are selected for All India Services, they are allocated cadres. By cadre we mean the small units of a large organization. The officers of All India Services are organized into cadres, derived from the states they are allotted ..

UPSC Daily Prelims General Studies Quiz – 9

GKToday’s Daily General Studies Quiz – 9 for Civil Services (IAS, IFoS) and other UPSC Examinations of 2017 and 2018 . This quiz has 10 questions on working of LED Lamp, Linguistic Minorities, Parliamentary privileges, Disqualification, Work and Energy in Physics, Perpetual Bonds, Types of Writs and Census. Questions of this quiz are from archives of Integrated IAS General Studies Programme.

Redressal of Consumer Disputes in India

According to the Consumer protection Act, consumer dispute is defined as a dispute in which the person against whom a complaint has been made denies or disputes the allegations cast on him in the complaint. Consumer redressal practices in ancient ..

Over- tribunalisation and Tribunal Reforms

At present, there are a large number of central tribunals (36 in number) leading to over- tribunalisation of dispensation of justice in the country. In a recent report, the law ministry stated that many of these 36 central tribunals are ..

National Green Tribunal: Assessment of Achievements

India became third country in the world to start a National Green Tribunal (NGT) which is a judicial body exclusively meant to judge environmental cases. The National Green Tribunal has been established under the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 for ..

Issues & Analysis around Administrative Tribunals

The major analytical topics around administrative tribunals are as follows: What do we understand by the inherent “contempt power” or “contempt jurisdiction” of the CAT (Central Administrative Tribunal)? What is its relevance? While CAT has worked well, state administrative tribunals ..

Inter-state Disputes and Their Redressal in India

In a federal constitution, the sovereignty is divided between the federation and its units. When sovereignty is divided, it is bound to raise disputes. There is a variety of mechanisms under the constitution and outside of it for settlement of ..