Page-18 of UPSC Mains

Features of Caste System in India

The word caste is derived from Portuguese word “casta” which denotes a group.  Castes / Jati are inscriptive groups, membership of which is detailed by birth; and encompass a concrete empirical grouping based on social, ritual and occupational criteria. The ..

Types of Muslim Marriages and Divorce

Muslim Marriage or Nikah is held as a legal civil contract between a man and a woman carried out on the basis of ijab-o-qabool. Ijab is a proposal from one party and Qubool is acceptance from other.  According to Sharia ..

Domestic Violence in India and DV Act, 2005

Domestic violence is a worldwide phenomenon. In India, it is prevalent in all castes, classes, religious groups and regions. Most of domestic violence incidents are against women however, men are also victim of the same. Domestic Violence against Women There ..

India Japan Relations

India and Japan have come closer only after 2000 when Japan-India Global Partnership was established. In 2006, it was upgraded to the “Strategic and Global Partnership”. Today Japan is noted for its assistance and collaboration in big projects including Dedicated ..

Various BRICS Summits

The BRIC [Brazil, Russia, India and China] idea was first conceived by Jim O’Neill of Goldman Sachs. In 2011, South Africa joined this informal group and BRIC became BRICS.  So far, eight BRICS summits have taken place. First held in ..

Brics Questions from IDSA

Given the different political systems, sizes of economy or stages of economic development, do the BRICS nations have any prospective areas of cooperation? Within the BRICS, its constituent members collectively wish to gain a number of objectives at the broader ..

BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA)

Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) of BRICS countries has come into operation in October 2016. It was established in 2015 during 7th BRICS summit at Ufa and idea was first mooted in Fortaleza, Brazil in July 2014. It is a framework ..

India’s Interaction with South East Asia

India has always seen South East Asia as a region of high economic growth and strategic priority. In 1992, the PV Narsimha Rao Government in India initiated the “Look East Policy” to further reinforce the relations with South East Asian ..