Page-18 of UPSC Mains

Foreign Policy of PV Narsimha Rao

PV Narsimha Rao was one of the ablest prime ministers of India who remained in power between 1991 and 1996. He was first prime minister of India in post-cold war world and first prime minister outside of Nehru family to ..

Foreign Policy of VP Singh and Chandra Shekhar

After the 1989 elections, a coalition third front government had come to power in centre with external support of BJP and Left. This government was led by Prime Minister VP Singh. The first major decision of VP Singh government was ..

Foreign Policy of Rajiv Gandhi

On 31 October 1984 Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her bodyguards. Within hours of the assassination Rajiv Gandhi emerged as new Prime Minister of India. The Parliament was dissolved and Fresh elections held which gave a landslide victory to Congress. ..

Shimla Agreement

Shimla Agreement was signed at Shimla, India, by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the President of Pakistan, and Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India on the night of July 2nd, 1972. The agreement was much more than a peace treaty seeking ..

Foreign Policy of Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi is often described as a practitioner of realpolitik for her expedient, unprincipled and ruthless pursuit of power. Here is a brief backgrounder to circumstances that shaped Indira’s Foreign Policy. External Environment When she became PM in 1966, world ..

Nehru’s Tibet Policy

Officially, India / Nehru had no policy document on Tibet. India’s support to China on recognition of Tibet (as part of China) was basically one of the few actions of Nehru aimed at establishing strong relationship with China. The other ..

Panchsheel and its relevance today

The Panchsheel or “Five Principles of Peaceful Existence” was a joint statement issued during Chinese premier Zhou Enlai’s visits to India in 1954. It was the period marking end of colonialism and emergence of new nations in Asia and Africa. ..

Nehru’s Foreign Policy: Relations with USA, USSR and China

When India became independent, the foreign portfolio was held by Nehru himself. A summary of key events that shaped India’s relations with other countries during Nehru era is as follows: Initial Response of United States As Prime Minister of the ..

Nehru’s Foreign Policy: How it was shaped?

The period between 1947and 1964 {Nehru Era} was the most important and a formative era for India’s foreign policy. Nehru and Indian National Congress had developed a foreign policy, which was based on the elimination of political and economic imperialism ..

Foreign Policy in the Indian Constitution

The subject of International Relations in the Constituent Assembly was addressed with deliberations on Article 51 under Directive Principles. This article provides that States shall endeavour to: Promote international peace and security Maintain just and honourable relations between nations; Foster ..