Page-14 of UPSC Mains

Economic Survey 2016-17: Chapter-05: Fiscal Framework: The world is changing should India change too ?

In this chapter, the survey has reviewed the trends in fiscal policies around the world, comparing with those of India and done a critical assessment of India’s fiscal activism and FRBM Act of 2003. It also tries to provide an ..

Economic Survey 2016-17: Chapter-04 – The Festering Twin Balance Sheet Problem

In the fourth chapter, the survey has discussed the Twin Balance Sheet {TBS} problem and made a case for establishment of a Public Sector Asset Rehabilitation Agency (PARA). Understanding Twin Balance Sheet Problem The centre-piece of TBS problem are Non-performing ..

Economic Survey 2016-17: Chapter -03: Demonetization: To Deify or Demonize?

In its third chapter, the survey tries to analyze {and to justify} the rationale behind governments move to demonetize, impacts of demonetisation, benefits of demonetisation and way forward. We note that there were two previous instances of demonetization, one was ..

Economic Survey 2016-17: Chapter-2: Economic Vision For Precocious, Cleavaged India

“Democracy” has allowed India to show a robust performance in economic growth yet, there are  serious challenges that underline the poor democracy with deep social fissures in the country. Due to these challenges, the economic survey calls India a precocious, ..

Economic Survey 2016-17: Chapter-1: Economic Outlook and Policy Challenges

This is a summary of the chapter 1 of the Economic Survey 2016-17. Key Economic Reforms in 2016 At domestic front, year 2016 was marked by two major policy developments viz. passage of GST bill and demonetisation.  The GST will ..

Economic Survey 2016-17: Eight Interesting Facts About India

The survey 2016-17 has put together eight interesting facts, which actually hint towards larger issues related to the country. These facts are as follows: 1. The work-related migration in India is increasing The Railway passenger traffic data reveals that around ..

Urbanization Others

Reasons for migration to urban areas Differential in rural and urban wages. Employment-related migration for males. For females it is marriage-migration. Proximity to workplace. In search of better employment for males. Education purpose. Movement with parents and family members. Positive ..

Causes of Urban Floods in India

This topic gets its importance from recent floods in Chennai, Srinagar and other parts of the country. Urban areas are centres of economic activities with have vital infrastructure. Damage to this infrastructure can have a bearing not only on the ..