Page-14 of UPSC Mains

Problem of Brain Drain in India

The brain drain is the migration of educated persons from one country (often a developing country) to other (often more developed ones). India is a major supplier of skilled and unskilled human capital for the advanced economies. India is sending ..

Acid Attacks in India and Preventive Measures

Acid violence constitutes gender-based violence, a form of discrimination under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Reasons of High Frequency of Acid Attacks The reason for the high frequency rate of acid attacks ..

Khap Panchayats in India

Khap Panchayats, which find their origin from ancient India, are the traditional social institutions engaged in dispute resolution in village communities. They are formally distinct from the lawfully elected village panchayats and their rulings have no legal sanctity in the ..

Caste Councils (Jati Panchayats / Caste Panchayat) System in India

A Caste Council or Jati Panchayat is one of the formally organized units in the Indian society. The key objective of Caste Council is to maintain unity of the caste and this secure uniformity of the rules. Origin of the ..

Constitutional and Legal Protection of SCs and STs in India

Indian constitution abolishes any discrimination to any class of persons on ground or religion race or place of birth (Article 15(1)). It is in pursuance of this ideal that the constitution has abolished communal representation or reservation of seats in ..

Caste Based Reservation in India

The idea of caste based reservation had come up in later part of 19th century by William Hunter, Jyotiba Phule etc. and was first introduced by Chhatrapati Sahu in 1902 by sanctioning 50% Reservation for the backward Classes in Kolhapur ..

Features of Caste System in India

The word caste is derived from Portuguese word “casta” which denotes a group.  Castes / Jati are inscriptive groups, membership of which is detailed by birth; and encompass a concrete empirical grouping based on social, ritual and occupational criteria. The ..

Types of Muslim Marriages and Divorce

Muslim Marriage or Nikah is held as a legal civil contract between a man and a woman carried out on the basis of ijab-o-qabool. Ijab is a proposal from one party and Qubool is acceptance from other.  According to Sharia ..

Domestic Violence in India and DV Act, 2005

Domestic violence is a worldwide phenomenon. In India, it is prevalent in all castes, classes, religious groups and regions. Most of domestic violence incidents are against women however, men are also victim of the same. Domestic Violence against Women There ..

India Japan Relations

India and Japan have come closer only after 2000 when Japan-India Global Partnership was established. In 2006, it was upgraded to the “Strategic and Global Partnership”. Today Japan is noted for its assistance and collaboration in big projects including Dedicated ..