Page-5 of GS-III: Internal & External Security

Current Extent of Red Corridor and Trends in LWE in India

Currently, Left Wing Extremism has been identified as the gravest internal security threat to India, surpassing terrorist movements in Kashmir and the North-eastern insurgencies in overall impact. Red Corridor The Naxalites have created or are in the process of creating ..

Difference Between Naxalism and Maoism

Naxalism originated as a peasant rebellion from Naxalbari in West Bengal.  We use the terms Naxalism and Maoism interchangeably for the same Left Wing Extremism (LWE) in India. Naxalism and Maoism: Comparison While Naxalism originated in India, Maoism in China. ..

Basics of Leftist Ideology

The leftist ideology believes that all existing social and state structures in an elitist or capitalist society are exploitative by nature and this exploitation can be ended only through a revolutionary change through violent means. The ideological basis for violent ..

Difference Between Left Wing and Right Wing

Left-wing refers to an outlook supporting social equality and opposing social hierarchy.  The terms left and right have their roots back to the French Revolution and refer to the seating arrangements in the Estates General of France. The members of ..

United Liberation Front of Western South East Asia (UNFLW)

In April 2015 several outfits of North East (based in Myanmar) such as United Liberation Front of Assam (Independent), Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang, Kamatapur Liberation Organization (KLO) and National Democratic Front of Bodoland-Songbijit have come under an umbrella organization ..

Government of India’s Development Efforts in North East

The Government of India had set up the Department of Development of North Eastern Region in September, 2001 and upgraded it to a Ministry in May, 2004 underscoring the its complete commitment to ensure development with equity for the NER ..

COIN (Counter Insurgency) Strategy of Indian Government in North East

There are two components of centre’s counter insurgency (COIN) strategy in North East viz. Use of Force and Dialogue and negotiations. Use of (proportionate) Force In 2011, the government of India had identified 79 armed insurgent groups active in six ..

States Reorganization in North East India

There are several components of Government of India’s repose to insurgencies in the North East India. These include: Meeting the political aspirations of the ethnic groups by giving them autonomy; Economic development of the area; Improving governance; Engaging the outfits ..