Page-6 of GS-III: Environment & Disaster Management

Overview of Recent Floods in India

Floods are most common natural disasters in India and the country is one of the highest flood prone countries around the world. As per the National Flood Commission report, around 4 crore hectare land in India is prone to floods. ..

Issue of Public Awareness in Disaster Management

In terms of the public awareness about impending floods, droughts, earthquakes, cyclones etc., India has achieved widespread but low levels of scattered mixed results. The important activities taken by NDMA include preparation of guidelines, and improvements in risk assessment, early ..

Issues in Disaster Management in Mountainous Regions of India

India’s Himalayan region is geologically very active and sensitive. In this region, every year, one or other types of disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, forest fires etc. occur very frequently. Though at the time of disaster, various rescue and ..

Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre

Tsunami Early Warning Centre is a part of Indian Nation Centre For Ocean Information Services (INCOIS). INCOIS has a data warehouse of ocean related information gathered from various institutions in India. These institutions are involved in Marine Data Collection, Ocean ..

Role of Earth System Science Organization in Disaster Management

Earth System Science Organisation (ESSO) is a virtual organisation set up by Ministry of Earth Sciences GOI in 2007 and it is the executive arm of MoES. It has three major branches of earth sciences viz., Ocean Science & Technology, ..

Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Disaster Management

The importance of timely disaster warning in mitigating negative impacts can never be underestimated. Although damage to property cannot be avoided, some of the developed countries have been able to reduce loss of life much more effectively than developing countries ..

Various Stakeholders in Disaster Management

According to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR), there are several key parties that play major roles in the disaster management process. These include communities, particularly those most vulnerable; local governments; national governments, regional institutions; NGOs, Corporations, ..

Disaster Management Act, 2005 and Disaster Management Framework in India

The Disaster Management Act, 2005 has been enacted as the central Act to deal with the management of disasters. This act envisaged a three tier Disaster Management structure in India at National, States and District levels. Under the act, the ..