Page-5 of GS-III: Environment & Disaster Management
Earthquake Vulnerability of India
India has a very high frequency of great earthquakes. The reasons of high magnitude earthquakes in India are hidden in the tectonic setting of India. India is currently penetrating into Asia at a rate of approximately 45 mm/year and rotating ..
List of Major Indian Earthquakes
India has suffered some of the greatest earthquakes in the world with magnitude exceeding 8.0. For instance, in a short span of about 50 years, four such earthquakes occurred: Assam earthquake of 1897 (magnitude 8.7), Kangra earthquake of 1905 (magnitude ..
NDMA Guidelines 2007 on Earthquakes
NDMA had released its details earthquake guidelines in 2007. The guidelines prescribe measures for Central Ministries and Departments and State Governments to prepare disaster management plans having specific components on earthquake risk management. The basic premise of these guidelines includes ..
NDMA Guidelines of Management of Cyclones
India’s coastal regions in the North Indian Ocean Basin are extremely vulnerable to cyclones and associated hazards such as storm tides. Storm Tides Storm Tides refers to the combined effects of storm surge and astronomical tide. Storm surge is the ..
Institutional Structure on Flood Control in India
In India, the subject of Flood Management falls within the purview of the State Governments. Central Government provides technical, advisory, catalytic and promotional support to the flood affected areas. Further, Central Government also releases assistance to states for effective flood ..
Jammu & Kashmir Floods: 2015
In September 2014, continuous unprecedented heavy rainfall had caused Jhelum, Chenab and Tawi rivers and their tributaries to flow above the danger mark. They had flooded the catchment areas, particularly low lying ones for more than two weeks in the ..
Chennai Floods 2015
In November and December 2015, the annual North-East monsoon generated heavy rainfall in south India causing floods along the Coromandel Coast in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Pondicherry. Chennai and surrounding area were hardly hit by these floods. These floods ..
Kosi River Floods
Kosi River is known as Bihar’s sorrow. Almost every year, the river is subject to floods affecting around 20 thousand km² area of fertile lands in Bihar. During floods, its average water flow multiples by as much as 18 times ..