Page-4 of GS-III: Environment & Disaster Management

NDMA Guidelines on Flood Management

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) issued guidelines on management of floods in 2008. The summary of the recommendations are as follows: Embankments/flood walls/flood levees have to be constructed for prevention of flooding after carrying out detailed hydrological and morphological ..

Community Based Approach to Disaster Management

All governments are responsible for protecting their citizens and endorsing the 2005 Hyogo Declaration which states that: “strengthening community level capacities to reduce disaster risk at the local level is especially needed, considering that appropriate disaster reduction measures at that ..

Disaster and Development Linkage

Disasters and development are closely linked. Disasters can both destroy development initiatives and create development opportunities. Development schemes can both increase and decrease vulnerability. In the traditional approach to disasters, the attitude was that the disasters, especially natural ones, were ..

NDMA Guidelines on Urban Flooding in India

Urban flooding differs from rural flooding as urbanisation leads to developed catchments which increases the flood peaks and flood volumes. As a result, flooding occurs very quickly due to faster flow times, sometimes in a matter of minutes. As urban ..

Drought Management in India

Drought differs from other hazards as it has a slow onset, evolves over months to years, affects a large spatial extent, and cause little structural damage. Its onset and end and severity are often difficult to determine. Droughts impact span ..

General Flood Management Measures Practiced in India

Based on the nature work, the flood protection and flood management measures may be broadly categorized as engineering/structural measures and administrative/non-structural measures. Engineering or Structural Measures These engineering measures that bring relief to the flood prone areas by reducing flood ..

Government Initiatives on Flood Management

The subject of floods control is not particularly mentioned in any of the three legislative lists of the Constitution. However, Drainage and Embankments are mentioned in State list. Thus the primary responsibility to deal with floods is of states. The ..

Flood Prone Areas of India

The total flood prone area in India is more than 4 crore hectares. This area can be divided into four regions viz. Brahmaputra Region; Ganga Region; North West Region; and Central India and Deccan region. Brahmaputra River Region The Brahmaputra ..