Page-49 of GS-III: Economic Development
Rainbow Revolution
The various colors of the Rainbow Revolution indicate various farm practices such as Green Revolution (Foodgrains), White Revolution (Milk), Yellow Revolution (Oil seeds), Blue Revolution (Fisheries); Golden Revolution (Fruits); Silver Revolution (Eggs), Round Revolution (Potato), Pink Revolution (Meat), Grey Revolution ..
Green Revolution
The significant increase in agricultural production in 1960s consequent upon the adoption of new agricultural strategy and use of HYV seeds and chemical fertilizers is called Green Revolution. The key pillars of this revolution were high yielding variety (HYV) seeds, ..
Food Corporation of India
The Nodal Agency in Food Management is Food Corporation of India, which is responsible to procure, store and distribute the foodgrains. FCI is a statutory body established via Food Corporation Act 1964 to meet the following objectives of the Food ..
Carbon Tax
The tax that is levied on the carbon content of fuels is called Carbon Tax. So, in Carbon Tax, the burning of fossil fuels viz. coal, petroleum products such as gasoline and aviation fuel, and natural gas is taxed in ..
BoP Crisis in India
From 1947 till 1956-57, the India had a current account surplus. By the end of the first plan, the Trade deficit was Rs. 542 Crore and Net Invisibles was Rs. 500 Crore, thus giving a BoP deficit in Current Account ..
What is Economic Survey?
Economic survey is presented every year shortly before presenting the Union Budget. This document sets the backdrop for the Budget. The rationale of an Economic survey is that the Parliament can better appreciate the Budget proposals with the background Knowledge provided ..
Human Development Index
The logic behind development of Human Development Index (HDI) was to do away with the inherent weakness of use of GDP as measure of development. HDI is a part of the Human Development Report, which is an editorially independent annual ..
Eighth Five Year Plan (1992-1997)
Due to political turmoil at the centre as well as the global economic changes and fiscal imbalances of the country in late 80’s , the Eighth plan could not take off in 1990. The National Development Council ratified the format ..
Sixth Five Year Plan: (1980-85)
From the sixth five year plan onwards, there was massive investment in the Social Services. These social services included Education, Health and Family Planning, Housing & Urban Development and other services. From the 6th Plan onwards, the role & scope ..
Rolling Plans
The Janta Government terminated the fifth five year plan in 1977-78 and launched its own sixth five year plan for period 1978-83 and called it a Rolling Plan. Meaning of Rolling Plan The meaning of the Rolling Plan was that ..