Page-48 of GS-III: Economic Development
Problems of Natural Rubber Industry in India
In recent years, natural rubber production in India is facing sharp decline. Currently, India is world’s fifth largest natural rubber producer and fourth largest consumer behind China, the US and Japan. In 2012, however, India was on 4th rank after ..
Japan’s Campaigns in World War-II and the Rubber Crisis
The importance of rubber production from strategic and security reasons was realized during World War –II when Japan moved to conquer Southeast Asia, and made 90% of the world’s natural rubber (Hevea) unavailable to the allies. Rubber was used in ..
Amazon Rubber Boom and Rubber Theft
Amazon Basin covers almost 40% of the South American continent and it is shared by eight countries viz. Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela. Out of these, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela and Peru were the ONLY exporters of ..
India’s Major Crops: Soyabean
Since time immemorial, Soyabean has served as meat, milk, cheese, bread as well as oil for the people of China and East Asia; and the ancient literature of those countries called it as “gold from soil”. Off late, its versatility ..
World Rubber Production
Global natural rubber production stood at around 12 million tonnes in 2014 and Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam are the top natural Rubber Producing countries. Vietnam is the new entry at third place, which was earlier held by Malaysia. Overall, the ..
India’s Major Crops: Coffee
Coffee is prepared from the roasted seeds called as Coffee beans. Coffee is grown in more than 70 countries of the world. Due to Caffeine, it gives stimulating effects. It originated in Ethiopia and its cultivation expanded from the Arab ..
Sustainable Sugar Initiative
Sugarcane is a water thirsty crop and enormous amount of water is needed in its production. The problem of optimal utilization of water becomes a major issue in those areas where irrigated crops and dryland farming are mixed. For example ..
Palm Oil Cultivation and Sustainability Issues
In recent times, there has been a constant rise in demand of palm oil from all parts of the world. This has led to a high rate of growth in oil palm production at a CAGR of more than 6% ..