Page-47 of GS-III: Economic Development

Dry Land Farming in India

Dry farming or Dry Land Farming refers to an improved system of cultivation whereby maximum amount of water is conserved by soil and water management. It involves efficient system of soil and crop management in the regions of low land ..

Rainfed Agriculture in India

Rain-dependent areas can be broadly split into two: ‘dry lands’, which receive less than 750 mm of rain a year; and rainfed areas, which receive more than 750 mm. Comprising arid and semi-arid ecosystems, dry lands stretch from Gujarat in ..

Micro-Irrigation In India

Microirrigation refers to the slow application of water on localized volume of soil by surface drip, subsurface drip, bubbler, and microsprinkler systems. Water applies in such irrigation wets a part of the soil so it is also called localized irrigation. ..

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) was launched in 2015-16 with objectives to enhance physical access of water on farms; expand cultivable area under assured irrigation; improve water use efficiency in agriculture and introduce sustainable conservation practices. This scheme has ..

Irrigation Policy: Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Program (AIBP)

The Central Government launched the Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) from 1996-97 for extending loan assistance to states for the completion of near complete irrigation scheme. Rationale and Objectives AIBP was specifically started because a large number of river valley projects ..

Irrigation Policy: Command Area Development Programme

Command Area Development programme was launched to narrow the gap between irrigation potential created and actually utilized in major and medium irrigation schemes In all five year plans, considerable importance was given to the creation of additional irrigation potential. However, ..

Sources of Irrigation in India

According to State of Indian Agriculture 2015-16, India has a net sown area of around 140 million hectares (2012-13) of which around 66.10 million (around 47%) is under irrigation. India’s water budget India accounts for around 4% of world’s renewable ..

Irrigation: Meaning and Types

Irrigation refers to artificial application of water to crops.  It is one of the most important critical inputs for enhancing the productivity that is required at different critical stages of plant growth of various crops for optimum production. There are ..


Coal gas / syngas is obtained by destructive distillation of coal. It is a mixture of hydrogen (50%), Methane (35%), carbon monoxide (10%), Ethylene (5%) and other volatile hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Before natural gas became popular in 1940s ..

Various Problems of Sugar Industry in India

India is second largest producer of Sugar in the word after Brazil. In the India, Sugar Industry is one of the largest farm based industry, only next to textiles and plays a very important role in the Indian Economy. The ..