Page-46 of GS-III: Economic Development
Comparison of India and China’s Growth Models
India’s growth model is quite distinct from other rapidly growing Asian economies. India has a growth model that is quite distinct from the Investment-export-oriented strategy adopted by China. Here are a few points for comparison. While China has derived a predominant ..
Shanghai Model – China’s Investment-led Growth Model
India and China as large economies of Asia hold development lessons for each other. The growth models of these two economies are essentially different from each other. Today, China is world’s second largest economy after United States. The seeds of ..
Measures to stimulate the Private Investments in an economy
Various measures to stimulate the Private Investments in an economy include reduction in interest rates, reduction in taxes, adopting a policy of wage cut, increase in government expenditure and pump pricing. They are discussed below: Reduction in rate of Interest ..
Factors Afecting Investment in Public Sector
Investment in public sector is induced by objectives like defence of the country, economic development and social welfare. Investment in this sector is independent of income or profit motive. Investment must be made, if deemed necessary for the defence of ..
Gross Investment and Net Investment
Investment is closely related to Economic growth. One of the important reasons for making investments is Capital Consumption, which is another technical term used for depreciation. By capital consumption, we mean to replace worn out, or failing machinery, equipment or ..
Private Investment and Public Investment
Investment can be divided into two factions on the basis of ownership of investment viz. Private Investment and Public Investment. Private Investment Private Investment is the investment which is made by the private individuals with the sole objective of earning ..
Induced investment and Autonomous investment
Induced investment is that investment which is governed by income and amount of profit. The inducing factors are changes in income and profit. Where there is a possibility of increase in income and profit, the induced investment increases and when there ..
Precision Farming
Precision Farming refers to precise application of agricultural inputs based on soil, weather and crop requirement to maximize sustainable productivity, quality and profitability. It includes the use of latest technologies such as remote sensing (RS), GPS, and geographical information system ..
Framework around Agricultural marketing in India
According to the National Commission on Agriculture – Agricultural marketing is a process which starts with a decision to produce a saleable farm commodity; involves all aspects of market structure of system, both functional and institutional, based on technical and ..
APMC Act 2003: Overview, Provisions and Issues
In India, the production of food products has been increasing in step with the rise in urban / rural population and export of food products is too insignificant to have any impact on prices. One of the real reasons for ..