Page-45 of GS-III: Economic Development

Soil Health Card Scheme

Under the integrated soil management initiative, the UPA Government in 2007-08 had launched a scheme to provide soil health card to farmers. However, that scheme did make little progress and in eight years (till 2013), only 50 Lakh soil health ..

National Crop Insurance Programme

Agricultural Insurance in India is covered by “National Crop Insurance Programme” which was launched by UPA government in 2013 by merging three schemes viz. Modified National Agricultural insurance Scheme (MNAIS), Weather Based Crop insurance Scheme (WBCIS) and Coconut Palm Insurance ..

Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM)

Six schemes of 11th plan period have been merged in a single integrated scheme from April 1, 2014. The objective of this “Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM)”, which has Rs. 4500 Crore outlay in 12th plan; are as follows: ..

Agricultural Census

Every five years, an agricultural census is conducted in India. First such census was done in 1970s and the reference year for the first Agriculture Census was 1970-71.  Under this scheme, centre provides funds to states and entire work is ..

Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana

Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (Traditional Farming Improvement Programme) was launched in April, 2015 to support and promote organic farming and thereby improving soil health. This scheme encourages the farmers to adopt eco-friendly concept of cultivation and reduce their dependence on ..

Shanta Kumar Committee Recommendations

Issues with Food Corporation of India India has come a long way from the time it was struggling with food shortages way back in 1960. Now instead of shortages India faces a problem of plenty and lack of storage facilities. ..

Buffer Stock & Buffer Norms in India

The Food Corporation of India is the main agency for procurement, storage and distribution of food grains. In addition to the requirements of wheat and rice under the Targeted PDS, the Central Pool is required to have sufficient stocks of ..

NITI Ayog: a shift towards Evidence-informed policy making

Evidence-informed policymaking is an approach that aims to integrate the best available scientific evidence into the design of public policies. Central and state governments make hundreds of policy decisions, small and big, every day that have an impact on millions ..

Environmental Impacts of Concrete

Surface concretization is one of the major environmental issues in urban areas around the world. Concretization is not always harmful but depends upon the circumstances. Since cement is major component of concrete; the it contributes a lot in the harmful ..

Models of Foreign Direct Investments

There are five major types of Foreign Direct Investments viz. Access to Intangible assets, Access to cheaper factors of production, Mutual Investment Model, Host Country Market Model and Regional Integration. These have been discussed below: Access to Intangible Assets The first ..