Page-42 of GS-III: Economic Development
Importance of Oil Palm in World’s Economy
Palm oil is principally obtained from Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) also known as African oil palm or macaw-fat. This perennial crop originated in West Africa and spread in different parts of the world from there. Two types of oil is ..
Current Groundnut Production Figures in India
Groundnut is most important oil seeds of India accounting for half of the major oilseeds produced in the country. Groundnut is predominantly a Kharif crop but is also sown as a Rabi crop. 90-95% of the total area is devoted ..
Issues around Oilseed Production in India
Despite of increased output and productivity, there is a demand –supply gap in the oilseeds in India, particularly in Edible oils. Currently, India is world’s largest importer of edible oil. The demand supply gap is such huge that India has ..
How to Increase Pulse Production in India?
Successive governments have done efforts via a variety of schemes to improve pulse production in the country. These include National Food Security Mission on Pulses (NFSM-Pulses), Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oilpalm & Maize, macro-management of agriculture, integrated development of ..
Constraints to Increase Pulse Production in India
In recent years, pulses have become the main drivers of food prices inflation in India. There are three reasons behind this: High demand-supply gap. The above data shows that despite being largest producer of pulses, India is dependent on import ..
Changing Consumption Patterns in Coarse Cereals in India
Successive governments at the centre have launched initiatives to promote use of coarse cereals mainly because of their nutritious value. For example, to promote cultivation and consumption of millets, Government of India allocated Rs. 300 crores in 2011-12 under Rashtriya ..
Current Trends in India’s Agricultural Exports and Imports
In 2012-13, the share of agricultural commodities and food products in India’s overall export basket was 10.66%. This figure was around 20% in 1990s while 7.9% in late 2010s. Thus, from 1990s onwards, the share of farm exports in India’s ..
Agricultural Workers as part of Population in India
There are two types of farm workers in India viz. Cultivators and Agricultural Labourers. Cultivators are those who work in their own land; Agricultural Labourers are those who work on the land of others for wages. An agricultural labourer has ..
Trends in Agricultural Productivity in India
Prior to Green revolution, the yield per hectare in India was low for all important crops. The introduction of modern agricultural practices and HYV seeds; there was a jump in the productivity of most food grains. The following table shows ..
Growth Trend in Indian Agriculture
Rights since India’s independence, the growth in agriculture has been roughly in the range of 1.7 to 4%. The below graphics shows the growth of agriculture sector vis-à-vis the growth in overall GDP in different decades. One notable point is ..