Page-41 of GS-III: Economic Development
Rangarajan Committee and Partial Decontrol of Sugar
There has been a long pending demand for complete decontrol of the sugar industry. But successive central governments have hesitated to decontrol sugar. The prime reasons can be summarized as below: Sugar Industry is an agro based industry and in ..
Use of Sulphitation in Sugar Making Process
The process of the sugar factories has improved from an archaic process called Khandsari. In India the Sugar was produced in the Khandsari units and the produce was a yellowish color powder. In the mid of the 20th century this ..
Why sugar industry shifting from northern to peninsular India?
Uttar Pradesh and Bihar were top sugar producing states once upon a time. However, they have lost their position to states such as Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. The sugar industry of India is gradually shifting from north India to peninsular ..
Current Data on Sugarcane Production in India
In India, Sugarcane is grown as a Kharif Crop. It needs hot and humid climate with an average temperature of 21°C to 27°C. 75-150 cm rainfall is favorable for sugar cane cultivation. Irrigation needed for areas with lesser rainfall. Sugarcane ..
Top sugarcane Producing Countries
In terms of production, Sugarcane is the world’s largest crop. In 2012, around 1.83 billion tons of sugarcane was produced worldwide. Top sugar producing countries are Brazil, India, China, Thailand, Pakistan and Mexico. About Sugarcane plant Taxonomically, Sugarcane belongs to ..
What is the Land Ceiling Issue in Oil Palm Cultivation?
Contrary to the captive plantation in Malaysia, the Oil Palm is cultivated in small holdings in India. Land is a state subject in India and various state governments have passed the land reforms acts. Such acts restrict the size of ..
Why India’s Oil Palm Production is low?
There are several constraints in domestic cultivation of oil palm in India. These are discussed briefly here. Geographical location: Although the tree has naturalized in the tropical regions within 20° of Equator; yet the most ideal location for oil palm ..
What are Oil Palm Acts?
Once planted, the oil palm tree has a productive life beginning at 4th year and ending at 25 to 30 years. The oil is extracted from the mesocarp of its fruit and its seed kernel. Each palm tree produces around ..
Indian Government Policy towards Oil Palm Production
The first major policy initiative of the government of India was the Oil Palm Development Programme launched in 1991-92 under the Technology Mission on Oilseeds and Pulses (TMOP). The objective of this programme was to expand the area under oil ..
Current Oil Palm Production Figures
Although the plant originated in West Africa, it has naturalized in the tropical regions within 20° of the equator. The plant is most abundant in South East Asian countries because of favourable climatic conditions there. Global production of palm oil ..