Page-40 of GS-III: Economic Development

Kangra Tea: Area and Production in India

Kangra Tea Industry had a golden history but today it is struggling to survive. Kangra was one of the sites where British introduced the China tea in the initial days of modern tea plantation in India in mid of 19th ..

How Tea entered into Indian Food Culture?

Tea as well as tea consumption was prevalent in China (also in North East India) for thousands of years. Tea made inroads into Europe mainly via two routes. In Eastern Europe, it entered from China & Persia through Russia. In ..

Key Facts about India’s Tea Exports

India is world’s fourth largest tea exporter after China, Sri Lanka and Kenya. India exported 222 million Kg tea in 2010; but in recent years, these figures are slipping. In 2014, India exported 207.44 million kilograms of tea. Largest importers ..

Key Facts about Tea Production in India

Botanical name of Tea is Camellia sinensis. After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world. Tea is an evergreen plant that mainly grows in tropical and subtropical climates. It is thought to have originated in East ..

Cotton Corporation of India

Cotton Corporation of India was established in 1970 under Companies Act 1956. It’s a Government of India’s corporate agency, engaged in diverse activities related to trade, procurement, and export of cotton. CCI is governed by Textile Policy 1985 issued by ..

Should India follow China Model in Cotton?

Cotton provides direct employment to around 60 Lakh farmers and indirect employment  to around 4-5 Crore People via cotton based industries. It is also one of the largest foreign exchange earner commodities of India. It is base of cotton textile ..

India’s Cotton Exports

India is world’s largest cotton exporter after United States. Till 2003-04, India was net importer of cotton; however after that India has been a net exporter thanks to liberalization of cotton export; increased production of cotton due to use of ..

Current Data on Cotton Production in India

Cotton is grown as a kharif crop in India.  The planting period of cotton normally is from March to September, while the harvesting period is from October to February. The peak marketing season for the crop is during November to ..

Important Species of Cotton

Earliest evidences of cotton are from Mehrgarh where cotton cultivated 7,000 years ago. During the Indus Valley Civilization, cotton was cultivated abundantly and cotton industry was well developed. Some methods used in the Indus Valley for the spinning and fabrication ..

What is the arrears problem in Sugar Industry of India?

It has been more than two years since April 2013, when the union government decided to lift some control on the sugar industry. Via this government scrapped the obligation to sell 10 per cent of a mill’s output to the ..