Page-35 of GS-III: Economic Development

Green Revolution and growth of Capitalistic Farming in Indian Agriculture

The green revolution necessitated the heavy public expenditure in the seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and water domains of economy. From the farmer’s side, it implied use of better and improved inputs of agriculture which needed more capital. Making investments in tube ..

Impact of Green Revolution on Industry and Economy of India

Since the crops that used the HYV seeds needed more water, fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides etc, there was a boom in the domestic manufacturing sector also. The industrial growth created new jobs and thus contributed to the economy.  Further, the expansion ..

Impact of Green Revolution on India’s Cropping Pattern

Green revolution resulted in two significant changes in the cropping pattern of India. Firstly, since the output of the cereals has risen and output of pulses remained stagnant; there was a decline of importance of pulses in the foodgrains. This ..

Impact of Green Revolution on Food Production in India

Although green revolution happened in other developing countries also in those days, but India was most successful among them. The record output of food grains of 131 million in 1978-79 established India as one of the largest agricultural producers of ..

Key Elements of Green Revolution

Many factors can be enumerated for green revolution. Some of them are discussed below: Increased area under farmland Although the area under cultivation was increasing ever since 1947; the green revolution accelerated it. HYV seeds High Yielding Variety Programme (HYVP) ..

Key Facts about National Egg Coordination Committee

National Egg Coordination Committee is NOT a government organization. It is a trust registered under Indian Societies Registration Act and is basically a voluntary Producers’ association with 25000 members. It works on cooperative spirit, though it is not a cooperative ..

Central Poultry Development Organisation

Government of India has established four Central Poultry Development Organisations (CPDOs) of four regions at Chandigarh, Bhubaneswar, Mumbai and Hessarghatt. These have been entrusted to implement the GOI poultry sector schemes. The provide training to farmers to upgrade their technical skills with an ..

Egg Production in India

Egg production in India was around 73.89 billion in 2013-14, while poultry meat production was estimated at 2.68 MT. Poultry is one of the fastest growing segments of the agricultural sector in India. In recent times, the poultry sector has ..

Inland Aquaculture and Blue Revolution in India

In last two decades, the inland aquaculture has emerged as a fast-growing enterprise and a viable alternative to the declining capture fisheries in India. What is Blue Revolution? The Blue Revolution envisages transformation of the fisheries sector with increased investment, ..

Government Schemes in India in Fisheries Sector

There is a huge institutional network in the country to support fisheries sector. This includes Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR); Ministries of Agriculture, Commerce and food processing industries; CSIR; State agricultural universities etc. Further, the government established National Fisheries ..