Page-34 of GS-III: Economic Development

Industries Reserved for MSME Sector in India

Reservation and de-reservation of the products for particular sector is done under the Industries (Development & Regulation) Act, 1951. The original list was containing around 873 items that could be legally produced by only small / cottage sector in 1960s ..

Current Definition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

The small industries sector definition has changed from time to time. Earlier there used to be concepts of Small Scale Industries, Tiny enterprises and ancillary units. However, since enactment of MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Act 2006; the scope ..

Current Industrial Licensing Policy in India

Industrial Licensing was also abolished for all except short list of 18 industries in New Industrial Policy 1991. This number was further pruned to six industries. Currently (2015), only five industries are under compulsory licensing mainly on account of environmental, ..

Reforms in Licensing Policy in India

A series of reforms in Licensing System was initiated after the second five year plan in the form of studies by some committees and commissions in the 1960s.  The key question were: Are the five year plans really increasing the ..

Critical Analysis of Industrial Policy 1956

The Industrial Policy, 1956 was an elaborate document and was hailed as “Economic Constitution of India” It touched virtually all aspects of Industrial development. It established the public sector as epicentre of industrialization. Further, this policy must be analyzed in ..

Critical Analysis of Industrial Policy 1948

The Industrial Policy 1948 was a sincere depart from the British Era policy of lessez faire [free economy] model followed by British rulers. The British policy was that Government was ill-qualified to advance the industrial development and all such matters ..

Industrial Policy Resolution – 1956

Before we delve into the details of Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956, let’s go back to the business environment of the day. It was a time when India’s first five year plan (1951-56) was about to finish. The first plan ..

Peasant Movements in Independent India

The peasant movements for agrarian reforms in India have always been centred on the issue of land ownership and land distribution. The term ‘peasant’ includes tenant, sharecropper, small farmer not regularly employed, hired labour, and landless labourers. Several peasant movements ..