Page-33 of GS-III: Economic Development

Irrigation Potential Created and Irrigation Potential Utilized

There is a huge difference between irrigation potential created and utilized. Irrigation potential created is the total area which can be irrigated from a project on its full utilization. This implies that before an area is to be reported under ..

Gross Irrigated Area and Net Irrigated Area

We can classify the irrigated area into gross and net irrigated area. The Net Irrigated Area is the actual land area on which irrigation was used for growing crops for as many times as many in an agricultural year {Agricultural ..

Gross Command Area & Culturable Command Area

These terms are mainly used in canal irrigation engineering. When a new canal is constructed, the engineers create its design maps etc. While doing so, they chalk out the entire area within an imaginary line that can be included in ..

Major concerns in National Food Security Act

There have been different concerns of various sections of the society with reference to the Food Security Act. These have been discussed below: Distortion of agricultural patterns Small farmers who go grow grains for personal consumption may shift to other ..

National Food Security Act and Human Life Cycle Approach

The text of the National Food Security Act mentions it as an act to provide for food and nutritional security in “human life cycle approach, by ensuring access to adequate quantity of quality food at affordable prices to people to ..

National Food Security Act 2013

National Food Security Act 2013 extends to whole of India and it was to be rolled out by the states within one year of its enactment. But, majority of the states were not able to do this mainly because it ..

How National Food Security Act was framed?

National Food Security Act was first proposed in 2010 by the National Advisory Council (NAC), an extra constitutional body in the times of UPA government, headed by Sonia Gandhi. In summary, the proposal was to provide food security to 75% ..

Extent of Food Insecurity in India

India is on 55th place in Global Hunger Index – 2014. This rank is better than Pakistan and Bangladesh but trails behind countries like Thailand, China, Ghana, Iraq, Sri Lanka and Nepal. The key problem that puts India at such ..

Definition and Basic Elements of Food Security

Since 1990s, the food security has been a consistent theme raised in specific contexts in various conferences convened by the United Nations and other organizations. The joint FAO/WTO Conference on Nutrition, Rome, 1992, made two important declarations as follows: “Hunger ..

Distribution of Food-Grains in India

Distribution of essential commodities to larger section of the society, mostly vulnerable people, through a network of fair Price Shops on a recurring basis is done by the Public Distribution System (PDS). This system is jointly operated by the Central ..