Page-32 of GS-III: Economic Development

Land Revenue System of Sher Shah Suri

Shershah Suri had laid the foundation of administration on which Akbar raised the superstructure. Todarmal, who later carried out most reforms under Akbar had gained considerable experience under former master Shershah Suri. Shershah is known to have made a systematic ..

Land Revenue Reforms of Alauddin Khilji

Under Alauddin Khilji, India saw one of the most harsh land revenue system in India. His land and revenue reforms are notable for two measures viz. abolition of small Iqtas and Land Measurement (Paimaish) Abolition of small Iqtas With a ..

Iqta System

The conquest of Mohammad Ghori and establishment of the Sultanate brought major changes in the land revenue system in India. The Governments in those times made all attempts to increase the revenue by collecting taxes as per those in Islamic ..

Indian Feudalism

From the post-Maurya period, and especially from Gupta times, India’s political and administrative developments tended to feudalise the state apparatus. What is feudalism? In Europeans sense, feudalism describes a set of reciprocal legal and military obligations among the warrior nobility, ..

Land Revenue in Ancient India

Land revenue system in ancient India was based upon income from land, thus rated according to the productivity and kind of soil. Manu fixed it between 1/6, 1/8 or 1/12 according to the quality of the soil. Gautama raises the ..

Plant Macronutrients and Micronutrients

Plants get three elements viz. Carbon(C), Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O) from air and water. During the process of Photosynthesis, these three elements are combined to make carbohydrates, with subsequent releasing of Oxygen. While roots absorb water, CO2 enters the ..

Demand Supply Gap in Quality Seeds in India

The foundation of green revolution in the country was hybrid, high yielding seeds. The Government established National Seeds Corporation (NSC) in 1963 to undertake production of foundation and certified seeds. NSC and the state seed corporations did commendable job in ..

Seed Replacement Rate

Whether a farmer grows certified seeds or farm saved seeds – is at his discretion. Seed Replacement Rate (SSR) or Seed Replacement Ratio is a measure of how much of the total cropped area was sown with certified seeds in ..

National Seed Policy 2002

Prior to the National Seed Policy 2002, the Government of India had adopted a “New Policy on Seed Development” in 1988 to remove the roadblocks in import of horticultural seeds and to allow import of limited quantity of seeds of ..

What are Minor, Major and Medium Irrigation Schemes?

A minor irrigation scheme has Cultural Command Area (CCA) up to 2000 Hectares. A medium Irrigation scheme has CCA from 2000 Hectares to 10000 Hectares. A major irrigation scheme has a CCA above 10,000 hectares. Further, Micro-irrigation encompasses drip and ..