Page-31 of GS-III: Economic Development
What is DUS Test?
DUS stands for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) of new varieties of plants for the purpose of granting the Breeders’ Right. The new variety should be distinct from the other varieties for at least one characteristic to pass in the ..
What is Plant variety Protection?
The breeding activities and exploitation of new varieties are the decisive factors for improving rural income and their overall economic development. Since the process of plant breeding is long and expensive, it is important to provide an effective system of ..
Critical Analysis of Permanent Settlement of Bengal, Bihar and Odisha
The assessment of the Permanent Settlement of Bengal, Bihar and Odisha should be done in the light of following points. Position of Zamindars The permanent settlement was mainly done to make the amount of land revenue permanent, certain and fixed. The ..
Permanent Settlement in Bengal
Permanent settlement was introduced in 1793 by Lord Cornwallis and covered around one fifth of British territory in India, including Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, parts of Northern Karnataka, Varanasi and some other areas. With the permanent settlement, the auctioning of land ..
Izaredar System
After the battle of Plassey, the British secured the Diwani rights (rights to collect revenue). When Robert Clive obtained the Diwani of Bengal, there used to be annual settlements of the Land revenue. Izaredari system was introduced in 1773 by ..
Changes in Land Revenue System in British Era
India’s land revenue system was radically changed under British due to several factors such as agricuituralisation and de-industrialization; change in land ownership; methods of assessment; and collection of land revenue. In the 18th and 19th centuries free countries of Europe ..
Zamindari System in Mughal Era
Zamindars during the Mughal era were petty landholders in the villages, descendants of old ruling families who retained small portions of their ancestral lands. These also include the rajput and other chiefs who exercised autonomous administrative authority in their principalities. ..
Critical Assessment of Akbar’s Land Revenue System
The assessment of Akbar’s land revenue system must be done on two accounts viz. annual system and Dahsala system. Annual System The annual system was another name of uncertainty in assessment and appointment of Karoris was disastrous for the peasants. ..
Karori / Crori System
Karori / Crori System was introduced by Raja Todar Mal under Mughal Emperor Akbar. All the Parganas and fiscal unions of the nation were to be measured and every piece of land which produced revenue worth 1 crore was to ..
Land Revenue System of Akbar
There was no Mughal land revenue system before Akbar. His father Humayun and grandfather Babur did not introduce any changes because they were the first conquerors of their dynasty and remained pre-occupied with subduing rebellions, consolidating empires and maintaining order. ..