Page-30 of GS-III: Economic Development
Gas Price Pooling Policy 2015
From July 1, 2015; there is a ‘Gas price pooling’ mechanism in place in India. Under this scheme; the price of domestic natural gas is averaged or pooled with the cost of imported LNG to create a uniform rate for ..
Efforts of UPA Government to Increase Urea Production in India
In 2010-11, India consumed around 31 Million tonnes of Urea, out of which 22 million tonnes was produced at home and rest 8 million tonnes was imported. Urea demand during 2017-18 is projected to be about 34 million tonnes and ..
Key Facts About Fertilizer Subsidy Policy in India
Fertilizer subsidy is the difference between the retention price of fertilizers and the price at which fertilizers are made available to consumers. The difference is paid to industry as subsidy. Fertilisers, after oil and food, account for the third-biggest share ..
Production and Consumption of Fertilizers in India
Although India has diverse types of soil but most of them are deficient in nitrogen and phosphorus. Over the years, the increased usage of chemical fertilizers has played a significant role in increasing the farm productivity. However, the current trends ..
Changes in Zamindari System from Mughal to British Era
During reigns of Shershah Suri and Akbar, the system was that land revenue was collected directly by the officers of the state and could be paid either in cash or in kind, though cash payments were encouraged. Thus, the peasant ..
Implications of Indiscriminate use of Fertilizers
Fertilizers play a vital role in enriching soils and boosting crop but indiscriminate overapplication of chemical fertilizers comes with many environmental and health consequences that compound over time. Indiscriminate use of synthetic fertilizers can result in soil contamination by heavy ..
Straight, Complex and Mixed Fertilizers
The straight fertilizers are those fertilizers which supply only one primary plant nutrient, either N or P or K. On this basis, the fertilizers can be straight nitrogenous, straight Phosphatic or straight Potash fertilizers. For example, Urea provides only N ..
Elemental Proportion in NPK Fertilizers
Any natural or synthetic material added to soil to provide plant nutrients is called Fertilizer. Fertilizers are available in the market in liquid, solid as well as gaseous form (e.g. anhydrous ammonia). All chemical fertilizers available in the market are ..
PPVFR Act 2001
The basic objective of the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights (PPVFR) Act 2001 us to recognize and protect the rights of the breeders including farmers and stimulate investment for research and development in the public and private sector ..
Background: Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights
The parliament of India had passed the PPVFR (Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights) Act 2001 to establish an effective system for the protection of plant varieties, farmer’s & breeder’s rights and to encourage the development of new plant ..