Page-29 of GS-III: Economic Development

Constitutional Provisions on Land and Land Reforms in India

The constitution of India has included the Land reform in State subjects. The Entry 18 of the State List is related to land and rights over the land. The state governments are given the power to enact laws over matters ..

Difference between Land Reforms and Agrarian Reforms

Land reforms refers to a wide variety of specific programmes and measures to bring about more effective control and use of land for the benefit of the community as a whole. Land reforms generally comprise the takeover of land by ..

Impact of British Policy on Indian Agriculture and Land

The British Era is also known as a period of commercial revolution in the agricultural sector. Commercialization of agriculture was coincident with Industrial revolution and became prominent around 1860 A.D. This brought about a change from cultivation for home consumption ..

Mahalwari System

The Zamindari as well as the Ryotwari System could not fulfil the expectations of the policymakers. A third type of system called Mahalwari system was introduced in Agra, Awadh (Oudh), Central parts of India, Punjab, parts of Gangetic valley etc ..

Ryotwari System

Ryotwari System was initially introduced by Shershah Suri. He had surveyed the entire land under cultivation of his territory and fixed per bigha due on the basis of average of three rates representing good, middle and low soils under continuous ..

Use of Mobile Technology in Agriculture in India

Indian Landscape is dominated by small and marginal farmers (80%) and it has been established that small holdings have higher productivity than medium and large farms in India.  Mobile telephony has made it possible to reach every farmer of the ..

Application of ICT in Agriculture in India

In the context of agriculture, the potential of information & communication technology (IT) can be studied under broadly two outcomes viz. direct contribution to farm productivity and indirect contribution. The Precision farming is the result of direct contribution of agriculture ..

Application of Remote Sensing Technologies in India

Remote sensing techniques play an important role in Crop identification; Acreage and production estimation; Disease and stress detection; Soil and water resources etc.  Remote sensing applications have become very important for making macroeconomic decisions related to food security, poverty alleviation ..

Neem Coated Urea

Before we move to the government policy on Neem Coated Urea, we need to understand what is Neem coated Urea and what are its advantages vis-a-vis uncoated urea. Understanding Nitrogen Efficiency With 46% N content, Urea is the most popular ..

New Urea Policy 2015

In May 2015, the Union Cabinet gave its approval to a comprehensive New Urea Policy 2015 for the next four financial years (June 2015 to March 2019). Objectives The key objectives of the New Urea Policy 2015 are as follows: ..