Page-28 of GS-III: Economic Development
Various constraints in use of Photo-voltaic Solar Cells in India
Photo-voltaic (PV or SPV i.e. Solar PV) cell converts solar optical energy directly into electrical energy. In recent times, PV market has emerged as one of the fastest growing markets around the world. Each PV is essentially a semiconductor device. ..
Active and Passive Solar Power
The importance of solar power can be gauged from the fact that the energy that reaches from sun on earth for one hour is more than enough to satisfy the global energy demand for an entire year, if all the ..
National Offshore Wind Power Policy 2015
The offshore wind farming is of two types viz. shallow water and deep sea farming. Most progress around the world has been done in case of shallow water wind farms only. The offshore wind faming is attractive because of several ..
Wind Power in India
Despite being a newcomer in this field, India currently has fifth largest installed wind power capacity in the world. By March 2015, India had 23,444 MW installed capacity of wind power which is 8.63% of all installed capacity and third ..
Hydro Power in India
Hydro-electric power is a renewable natural resource known for their almost nil GHG emission. The oldest Hydropower power plant in India is in Darjeeling District in West Bengal. Its installed capacity is 130KW and was commissioned in the year 1897. ..
Rural electrification in India
Rural electrification is necessary to stimulate the growth of small-scale industries and promote a more balanced and diversified economy. Between 1950 and 2001-02, the number of villages electrified had increased from a mere 3,000 to 5,19,000. The UPA Government had ..
Integrated Power Development Scheme
Integrated Power Development (IPDS) scheme launched by Modi Government is basically a new avatar of Restructured Accelerated Power Development Programme of UPA. This scheme focuses on improvement of T&D networks across India. It promises help in reduction of AT&C losses, ..
Various Problems of State Electricity Boards in India
Power development during the last 60 years has been significant but still India has faced chronic power shortage. The key reasons behind power shortage include – rising demand not matched with production; dependency of Hydel power on monsoon; delay in ..