Page-28 of GS-III: Economic Development

Industrial Policy Resolution – 1956

Before we delve into the details of Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956, let’s go back to the business environment of the day. It was a time when India’s first five year plan (1951-56) was about to finish. The first plan ..

Peasant Movements in Independent India

The peasant movements for agrarian reforms in India have always been centred on the issue of land ownership and land distribution. The term ‘peasant’ includes tenant, sharecropper, small farmer not regularly employed, hired labour, and landless labourers. Several peasant movements ..

Industrial Policy – 1948

After having attained independence, the Government of India declared its first Industrial Policy on 6th April, 1948.  The Industrial Policy 1948 was presented in the parliament by then Industry Minister Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee. The main historical importance of this ..

Land Reforms in India After Independence

After independence, most of the major legislations with far-reaching consequences to land reforms have been passed.  The main features of the laws relating to land reforms are: All states passed the laws to abolish intermediaries, with varying provisions for resumption ..

Industrial Policy of British India

The British Government showed a marked antipathy and neglect towards Indian industries. The British Government in India followed the policy of free trade. It resulted in the demise of India’s world fame cottage and small scale industries as these could ..

Land Ceiling and Consolidation of Land Holdings in India

The land ceiling acts define the size of land that an individual/family can own. In India, by 1961-62, all the state governments have passed the land ceiling acts. But the ceiling limits varied from state to state. To bring uniformity ..

Industrial Policy: Meaning, Need and Importance

Industrial Policy is a formal declaration by the Government whereby it outlines its general policies for industries. Any industrial policy has broadly two parts. First part generally deals with the ideology of the current political dispensation, while other one provides ..

Tenancy Reforms in India

After passing the Zamindari Abolition Acts, the next major problem was of tenancy regulation. Tenancy reforms aim to regulation of rent, provide security of tenure and conferring ownership to tenants. The tenancy reforms laws provide the provisions for registration of ..

Abolition of Zamindari in India

The major objective of land reforms in free India was to abolish intermediaries and to bring changes in the revenue system that would be favourable to cultivators. The process of abolition of Zamindari, Jagirdari, Ryotwari etc. system had started even ..

Various Objectives of Land Reforms

The main objective of the land reforms programme is to do away with the existing inequalities in the system of landholding and to increase the agricultural productivity. The Five Year Plans aimed to remove the impediments for increase in agricultural ..