Page-25 of GS-III: Economic Development

Methane Gas Hydrate

A gas hydrate is a water lattice in which light hydrocarbon molecules are embedded resembling dirty ice. Naturally occurring gas hydrates are a form of water ice which contains a large amount of methane within its crystal structure. Gas hydrates ..

Coal Bed Methane

Coal Bed Methane (CBM) is natural gas found in coal seams. It mainly consists of Methane (CH4) with minor amounts of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and heavier hydrocarbons like ethane. CBM was wasted and vented out into the atmosphere during the ..

Plasma Pulse Technology (PPT)

The Fracking technology uses huge amount of water that needed to be transported to the fracking site, at significant cost.  Further, several chemicals are used in fracking which are supposed to be carcinogenic. Contamination of the groundwater is a significant ..

Shale Gas in India

Shale refers to a sedimentary rock resulted from compaction process of small old rocks containing mud and minerals – such as quartz and calcite, trapped beneath the earth surface. The shale gas is the natural gas trapped within these shale ..

Falling Global Oil Prices and Impacts on India: Analysis

Since June 2014, the Brent Crude price has fallen to $97 per barrel from $113 per barrel.  This fall in price was attributed to several reasons such as healthy supply of crude, dip in consumption growth in key markets such ..

Fall in Global Oil Prices: Reasons and Implications

In last one and half year, the Global oil prices have fallen sharply. From 2010 till mid of 2014, the oil prices were fairly stable above $100 per barrel, however, currently the prices are below $50 per barrel. Reasons There ..

Implications of Deregulation of Petroleum Prices in India

The Government of India has historically subsidized energy with the objective of protecting consumers from international price volatility and providing energy access for its citizens, especially the poor. However, energy subsidies place a heavy burden on government budgets, while often ..

National Exploration License Policy

The dismantling of the APM was followed by National Exploration License Policy 1997, which became effective in February, 1999. Since then licenses for exploration are being awarded only through a competitive bidding system and National Oil Companies (NOCs) are required ..