Page-23 of GS-III: Economic Development
Rail Tariff Authority
Currently, setting of tariffs for railways is the function of the Railway Board. Revising rail fares is a politically sensitive issue. Every year, the Rail budget is passed without any substantial rise in the Rail tickets. The railway’s passenger subsidy ..
Rakesh Mohan Commitee on Indian Railways 2002
More than a decade ago, the Rakesh Mohan Committee observed that Indian Railways over the past decade (1991-2002) has fallen into a vicious cycle of under investment, mis-allocation of scarce resources, increasing indebtedness, poor customer service and rapidly deteriorating economics. ..
National Highways in India
India has the second largest road network in the world with a total length of 46.90 Lakh kilometres. The road network can be broadly classified into five broad categories viz. Expressway; National Highways (NHs); State Highways (SHs); Other & rural ..
Inland Water Transport in India and National Waterways
India draws a substantial network in terms of inland waterways in the form of rivers, canals, backwaters and creeks. India’s total navigable length is 14,500 km out of which about 5200 km of river and 4000 km of canals can ..
Corporatization of Ports
At present, all major ports except Ennore are run by the Port Trusts under the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963. Ennore, which opened in 2001, is run as a company under India’s Companies Act. The concrete proposal to corporatize ports ..
Sagarmala Project
The key objective of Sagarmala project develop port infrastructure in India that results in quick, efficient and cost-effective transport to and from ports. It also includes establishment of rail / road linkages with the port terminals, thus providing last mile ..
Major Ports of India
India has a total 13 major ports and 200 notified minor and intermediate ports. Ports play vital role in the overall economic development. About 95 per cent by volume and 70 per cent by value of the India’s international trade ..
5/20 rule in Civil Aviation in India
The so called 5/20 rule is prevalent in civil aviation in India only and not other countries. This rule says that before an airline is allowed to fly abroad, it must be at least 5-year-old and must have at least ..