Page-2 of GS-III: Economic Development
Disinvestment and Mobilization of Resources
In this article, we review the current government policy and various issues around disinvestment. Disinvestment and privatization are two related but different terms. They are related because both involve sale of government shares in PSUs. However, when 51% or more ..
Proposed Public Debt Management Agency (PDMA): Requirement, Features, Issues
In an effort to streamline the borrowings of the government and achieve better cash management, the Finance Ministry in 2016 established the Public Debt Management Cell which is to become Public Debt Management Agency in two years time. It is ..
Mobilization of Resources for Local Bodies: Various Issues
The Economic Survey for 2017-18 pointed out that the local bodies in India appear to not to be collecting the revenues from taxes to the extent they can. This has somewhat rekindled the debate on mismatch between powers of taxation ..
Trends & Issues in Capital Expenditure
The capital expenditures result in creation of physical and financial assets such as land, building, machinery, infrastructure such as road and bridges etc. Similarly, these expenditures also result in the reduction in government liability such as paying back the loans, ..
Trends and Issues in Revenue Expenditure of Government
Revenue expenditures are those expenditures of the government which are used for running the show and don’t create any productive assets and don’t reduce liabilities. These include operational and administrative expenses, welfare schemes, subsidies, pensions, salaries, interest payments, grants, money ..
Deficits of States: Trends and Implications for Resource Mobilization
The Reserve Bank of India in its “State Finances: A Study of Budgets of 2016-17” has provided a consolidated fiscal health of the states. This study has reflected the fiscal position of centre as well as states in detail for the ..
Various Entities Launched In Recent Times for Mobilization of Resources
As part of Reforms, the government in recent years have established institutions for long-term pools of capital across a various sectors ranging from infrastructure to agriculture, from start-ups to education. In this article, we are discussing on how the National ..
Fiscal Consolidation & FRBM Act: Various Issues
Fiscal consolidation is a process of reducing the government’s fiscal deficit and improving fiscal health of the government. In last two years, India has continued on path of fiscal consolidation due to array of reasons including lesser fuel subsidies, targeted ..
Demonetisation and Its impacts on Tax Revenues
On November 8, 2016, the Union Government had demonetised old Rs.500 and Rs. 1,000 notes from November 2016 on the recommendations of the RBI’s central board to eliminate unaccounted money and fake currency notes from the financial system. Here is ..
Low ratio of Financial Assets in Household Savings and Resource Mobilization
In India, most part of saving is generated by the households but bulk of those savings is locked into unproductive physical assets. This article tries to make a brief analysis of this on resource mobilization. Indian Public and its perception ..