Page-19 of GS-III: Economic Development
Corporatization of Ports
At present, all major ports except Ennore are run by the Port Trusts under the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963. Ennore, which opened in 2001, is run as a company under India’s Companies Act. The concrete proposal to corporatize ports ..
Sagarmala Project
The key objective of Sagarmala project develop port infrastructure in India that results in quick, efficient and cost-effective transport to and from ports. It also includes establishment of rail / road linkages with the port terminals, thus providing last mile ..
Major Ports of India
India has a total 13 major ports and 200 notified minor and intermediate ports. Ports play vital role in the overall economic development. About 95 per cent by volume and 70 per cent by value of the India’s international trade ..
5/20 rule in Civil Aviation in India
The so called 5/20 rule is prevalent in civil aviation in India only and not other countries. This rule says that before an airline is allowed to fly abroad, it must be at least 5-year-old and must have at least ..
Indian Airlines & Air India’s Merger: Historical Background
Air India, formerly named Tata Airlines was founded by JRD Tata. It was converted into a Public Limited Company on July 29th 1946 and renamed as Air India, primarily operating on international routes. Indian Airlines (Indian Airlines Limited from 1993 ..
Open Sky Policy
Open sky refers to an agreement between two countries to allow any number of airlines to fly from either of them without any restriction on number of flights, number of destinations, number of seats, price and so on. However, this ..
Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Industry in India
The importance of aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) industry can be gauged with the fact that airlines spend some 13–15 percent of their revenues towards maintenance, which makes it the second-highest cost item for airlines after fuel. India’s MRO ..
Current Status of Airport Privatization in India
100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is permitted for Greenfield airport projects under the automatic route. Up to 74%-100% in brownfield airport projects. Up to 49% FDI is permitted in domestic scheduled passenger airlines under the automatic route. 100% permitted for ..
Civil Aviation Sector in India
India is the fastest-growing aviation market. Liberalisation of the aviation sector in nineties resulted in a remarkable growth, as a large number of private service airlines entered the sector. The total number of airports or airfields recognisable from the air are ..
Petroleum And Explosives Safety Organisation
Petroleum And Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) is a non-statutory body that control and administers the usage of explosives, petrol stations in India. The agency issues licenses for Operation of Petrol Stations, Licenses to operate Petroleum Product Transportation vehicles, Licenses for ..