Page-18 of GS-III: Economic Development

Acworth Committee on Indian Railways

In 1920, an East Indian Railway Committee was constituted under the chairmanship of Sir William Acworth. This committee consisted of 10 members and among them 3 were Indians viz. V S Sriniwas Sastri (Member of Council of States) , Purshottam ..

MacKay Commission on Indian Railways

Sir James MacKay Commission was set up by Secretary of States for India, John Morley in 1907 to look into the problems of administration and finances of Railways. The commission found out that there was a friction in the Government ..

Robertson commission & Establishment of Railway Board in India

In 1900, Railways showed a small profit for the first time. In 1901, Thomas Robertson was appointed the special commissioner to examine the organization and working of the Railway and thus began the drastic changes in the administration of the ..

Guarantee System in Indian Railways

Originally, the Indian railways were operated by the private companies owned by the British businessmen. They were granted free land and given a guarantee of minimum returns on capital. Guarantee System These two companies entered into contract with East India ..

First Railway in India

The earliest proposals for railways in India were made in Great Britain in the 1840s. The proposals involved construction of Railways by companies incorporated in England and a minimum profit being guaranteed by the East India Company. With this, the ..

Bibek Debroy Committee Recommendations

The Bibek Debroy Committee is a high level committee for “Mobilization of Resources for Major Railway Projects and Restructuring of Railway Ministry and Railway Board” created by NDA Government after coming into power in 2014. This is yet another Biblical size ..

Rail Tariff Authority

Currently, setting of tariffs for railways is the function of the Railway Board. Revising rail fares is a politically sensitive issue. Every year, the Rail budget is passed without any substantial rise in the Rail tickets. The railway’s passenger subsidy ..

Rakesh Mohan Commitee on Indian Railways 2002

More than a decade ago, the Rakesh Mohan Committee observed that Indian Railways over the past decade (1991-2002) has fallen into a vicious cycle of under investment, mis-allocation of scarce resources, increasing indebtedness, poor customer service and rapidly deteriorating economics. ..

National Highways in India

India has the second largest road network in the world with a total length of 46.90 Lakh kilometres. The road network can be broadly classified into five broad categories viz. Expressway; National Highways (NHs); State Highways (SHs); Other & rural ..

Inland Water Transport in India and National Waterways

India draws a substantial network in terms of inland waterways in the form of rivers, canals, backwaters and creeks. India’s total navigable length is 14,500 km out of which about 5200 km of river and 4000 km of canals can ..