Page-16 of GS-III: Economic Development
Important Budget Documents and Process in India
Article 112 of the Indian Constitution says that every year “the President of India shall cause to be laid before both the houses of the parliament” the “Annual Financial Statement”. This is popularly known as Budget. “cause to be laid” here means that the ..
Fiscal Policy
Fiscal policy refers to all the means which influence the income and expenditure of the Government. Since most of the government income comes from taxation and most of the government expenditure goes to public expenditure, these two viz. taxation and ..
What’s wrong with Indian Railways?
From the construction of the first railroad in India that began in 1850, and the first train that was run on April 16, 1853 from Bombay (now Mumbai) to Thana (Thane), to the unimaginable growth of the railway network, the ..
Recent Initiatives of Indian Railways
Ministry of Railways took steps for introduction of High Speed Bullet Trains in the country on Mumbai-Ahmedabad corridor. It is the part of the Ministry’s ambitious plan to have Diamond Quadrilateral network of High Speed Rail connecting major metros and ..
Safety Issues in Indian Railways
Over the last 10 years, there has been a substantial rise in the rate of passenger casualties. For the three decades of 1965-96, the number of deaths in accidents remained mostly under 100, except for the occasional bad year. During ..
Revamping Organisational Structure Of Railways
Over the years, in the absence of any strategic focus, the railways have steadily deteriorated in terms of service quality, safety and financial performance. Any improvement in given areas require a complete overhauling of the organizational structure of railways. Many ..
FDI in Indian Railways
Currently FDI in IR is fully opened up in 17 areas. A foreign player can invest up to 100% in most segments of rail infrastructure such as suburban rail, metro rail, locomotive and rolling stock and dedicated freight lines, Railways ..
Privatization of Indian Railways: Issue Analysis
So far, the private sector’s participation in railways has been very less in India, compared to sectors like ports, telecom, electricity, airports and roads. Several attempts have been made in the past to involve the private sector in various arenas ..
Financial Problems of Indian Railways
Indian Railways faces chronic financial problems. The annual rate of increase in cost has overtaken that of revenues during the last few years. There are several reasons of deterioration of the financial health of the Railways. These include, a high ..
Operating Ratio in Indian Railways
The financial health of the railways is determined by its Operating Ratio (OR). Operating Ratio indicates how much railway spends to earn a rupee. An Operating Ratio of 90% means that Railway is spending 90 paisa to earn 100 paisa ..