Page-13 of GS-III: Economic Development
Capital Formation in Economic Development
Development of a nation without the availability of adequate capital either in the form of physical capital or in the form of human capital is not possible. The higher the rate of capital formation (physical as well as human), the ..
Determinants of Development
The process of development depends on a host of factors like natural resources, physical and human capital, technology, socio-politico-economic structure of the country. Determinants of development are broadly classified into economic factors and non-economic factors. Economic Factors as determinants of ..
Underdevelopment: Concept and Meaning
World Development Report categorizes economies on the basis of income in three categories viz. high income, middle income and low income economies. Usually, high income countries are known as developed / advanced economies while low income countries are known as ..
Concept of Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Thus, it takes into account both the present and future generations without over exploitation of natural resources ..
Economic Growth versus Economic Development
Economic Growth and Economic Development are central to developed as well as developing economies. Classical thinkers such as Adam Smith, Karl Marx examined the problem of economic development as early as 18th century. However, the study of economic growth and ..
Economic inequality in India
Economic inequality is a hindrance to the process of growth and development in India. Even though there is an economic growth in India, it is not able to reduce the growing inequalities of the Indian society. Our development strategies failed ..
What are Sources of Investments?
There are three main sources of investments viz. Internal funding using accumulated profits of a firm; Borrowing either from banks or through the issue of financial assets such as bonds (long term debt) or Commercial Papers (short-term) and Issuing new ..
FRBM Act 2003
In 1980s, India saw a sharp deterioration of the fiscal situation, which ultimately culminated in the balance of payments crisis of 1991. Within a decade of economic liberalisation, the fiscal deficit and debt situation again seemed to head towards unsustainable ..