Page-13 of GS-III: Economic Development

Raja Chelliah Tax Reforms Committee

Prior to the liberalization of Economy, India’s tax regime was marred with numerous problems. In terms of direct taxes, there was a high degree of progressiveness in 1960s and 1970s that led to adverse effect on tax collection efficiency. Further, ..

General Anti-Avoidance Rules: Current Position

General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR) are general rules that target any transaction of business arrangement that is done for aggressive tax planning, tax avoidance or tax evasion. GAAR were introduced in Australia in 1981, Canada in 1988, South Africa in 2006 ..

Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) has emerged as one of the most important challenges for the governments across the world today. The globalization, privatization and liberalization has resulted into free movement of capital and labour, shift of manufacturing base ..

India’s Transfer Pricing Problem

Transfer Price is the price of the goods and services sold between related entities such as – parent company and daughter (subsidiary) company; or between branches of same entity. The fixing of price of goods and services between parent-subsidiary is ..

What is Treaty Shopping?

Treaty shopping is considered to be a means of tax avoidance. The bilateral tax treaties are done to reciprocate the benefits between the residents of two countries but when someone from a third country invests in any of them just ..

Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion and Tax Planning

There are three different concepts viz. tax avoidance, tax evasion and tax planning. Tax Avoidance means an attempt to reduce tax liability through legal means, i.e. to regulate one’s financial affairs in such a way that one pays the minimum tax ..

Comparison of Direct and Indirect Taxes

There are several parameters on which the direct and indirect taxes can be compared. Firstly, direct taxes are progressive and they help to reduce inequalities but indirect taxes are regressive and they widen the gap of inequalities. Thus, direct taxes ..

Merits and Demerits of Indirect Taxes

Indirect taxes are levied on the production or consumption of goods and services or on transaction, including imports and exports. In case of indirect taxes, it is said that the person who is hit does not bleed; someone else bleeds. ..

Merits and Demerits of Direct Taxes

There are different types of direct taxes such as Income Tax, Corporate Tax, Inheritance Tax, Property Tax, Wealth Tax (abolished now in India), Capital Gains Tax etc. Merits The key merits of the direct taxes are as follows: Progressive Tax ..

Kautilya’s System of Tax Administration

Kosha Moolo Danda, which means ” revenue is the backbone (of administration)” is sourced from Kautilya’s Arthshastra Part 8, Chapter 1. This implies that a nation’s status relies upon its fiscal power. He expressed that the Government’s power had source ..