Page-12 of GS-III: Economic Development

Objectives of Planning in India

In India objectives of planning are mainly classified as long-term objectives and short-term objectives. Long-term objectives try to solve the socio-economic issues that the country is facing over the years. It includes increase in national income or per-capita income, achieving ..

Salient Features of Indian Planning

The planning era has ended with planning commission but here are some of the key features of Indian planning for academic purposes. Five Year Planning India’s plans are of 5-year period. The five year plans integrated the short term objectives ..

History of Planning in India

First of all the idea of planned economy was crystallized in 1930s when our national leaders came under the influence of socialist philosophy. India’s Five year plans were very much impressed by the rapid strides achieved by the USSR through ..

Economic Planning

Economic Planning refers to any plans of economic activity which point to achieve specific social and economic outcomes. The planning mechanism involves the specific economic or social outcomes. The philosophy of planning is that only markets and price system cannot ..

Regional Disparity in India

‘Unity in diversity’ is a fundamental characteristic of India. The growth pattern of Indian Economy has reflected in various dimensions of social, economic, political, geographical, religious, cultural and linguistic diversities. Reasons for Disparity Natural Resources Most important reason for regional ..

India’s Gini Coefficient

Gini coefficient represents the income distribution of a country’s residents. It was developed by the Italian statistician and sociologist Corrado Gini. It measures the inequality. The coefficient ranges from zero to one, with zero representing perfect equality and one showing ..

Inclusive growth and issues arising from it

Inclusive growth has been defined differently by different organizations and scholars. The dictionary meaning of the term “inclusive” is “comprehensive”, “including all extremes” and “not excluding any section of the society”. UNDP has defined inclusive growth as “the process and ..

Human Capital Formation

Human capital refers to stock of ‘skill and expertise’ embodied in humans. Human capital is as important as physical capital for economic development. Human capital formation is the process of adding to stock of human capital over time. Human capital ..