Page-9 of GS-II: Polity & Constitution of India
Secularism in India
India is a multi-religious, multi-lingual, multi-racial, and multi-cultural society. Religious minorities constitute roughly 20% of India’s population, out of which Muslims account for 14.2%. No society can prosper or be at peace if its 20% of the population feels threatened, ..
Salient Features of Indian Constitution: Parliamentary System
India has a parliamentary form of Government. The parliamentary system means that the ministers get their legitimacy from Parliament. Part V of the Constitution trifurcates the State into three equal constituents’ viz. Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. Legislature is made of ..
Constitutional, Judicial and Parliamentary Supremacy in India
The first and foremost feature of Indian Sovereignty is that Constitution is the supreme law of the land; and all state organs including parliament, judiciary, states etc. are bound by it. They must act within the limits laid down by ..
Indian Constitution: Unique blending of federal and unitary features
Indian Constitution is a unique blending of both federal and unitary features. Federal features present in the Constitutions are: Two governments Division of powers between the union and its constituents Written constitution Supremacy of the Constitution Partial Rigidity of the ..
Indian Constitution: Flexible or Rigid or a mixture of both
Based upon the provisions made for its amendment, a constitution can be flexible or rigid or a mixture of both. A flexible constitution can be amended by ordinary law making exercise while a rigid constitution can be amended by a ..
Constitution of India and Plagiarism debate
The Constitution of India is a salubrious integration of useful and progressive features drawn from different Constitutions of the world. Although most of the Constitution is almost a reproduction of the Government of India Act, 1935, certain features were also ..
Why India has a mammoth size constitution?
Constitution of India is the longest written constitution of any sovereign state in the world, and has continued to grow till date. Originally, it had 395 articles divided into 22 parts and eight schedules. The numbering still remains the same but with amendments; either old articles or ..
Proposed Centre-State Investment Agreement
As proposed in this year’s union budget, the finance ministry has started to prepare a model Centre-State Investment Agreement (CSIA). This agreement will be signed between the Centre and various states for the effective implementation of Bilateral Investment Treaties (BIT), ..