Page-14 of GS-II: Polity & Constitution of India
Making a Case for All India Judicial Services
The concept of a centralized All India Judicial Service first originated in 1958 from the Law Commission’s report on reforms in judicial administration. The report discussed ideas like conducting a common competitive exam for selections, ensuring standardised salaries and service ..
Law Commission of India
Law Commission of India is neither a constitutional body nor a statutory body. It is truly an ad hoc and advisory body whose work is to do research and make recommendations for law reforms such as amendments and updations of ..
Constitution (97th Amendment) Act, 2011
The Constitution (Ninety Seventh Amendment) Act 2011 relating to the co-operatives is aimed to encourage economic activities of cooperatives which in turn help progress of rural India. It is expected to not only ensure autonomous and democratic functioning of cooperatives, ..
Zonal Councils
The idea of creation of Zonal Councils was first of all mooted by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru in 1956. The zonal councils have been established by the state reorganization act 1956 to advise on ..
Government of India Act 1858
The Government of India Act 1858, marked the beginning of new chapter in the constitutional history of India. The Act known as the Act for the Good Government of India, provided for liquidation of East India Company, and transferred the ..
Act of 1786
In 1786, Lord Cornwallis was appointed as Governor-General and commander in chief in India. He is known for having instituted land , judiciary and administrative reforms and reorganized the British army and administration. He had a demand that powers of ..
Problems in State Funding of Elections in India
State funding of elections has been suggested in the past in response to the high cost of elections and as a measure against corruption in the electoral process. Many of the government panels on electoral reforms have expressed their ideas on ..
Government of India Act 1935
Government of India Act 1935 was passed by British Parliament in August 1935. With 321 sections and 10 schedules, this was the longest act passed by British Parliament so far and was later split into two parts viz. Government of India ..
Government of India Act 1919
Government of India Act 1919 was passed by British Parliament to further expand the participation of Indians in the Government of India. Since the act embodied reforms as recommended by a report of Edwin Montagu {Secretary of State for India} ..
Indian Councils Act 1909 (Morley Minto reforms)
The Indian Councils Act 1909 or Morley-Minto Reforms or Minto-Morley Reforms was passed by British Parliament in 1909 in an attempt to widen the scope of legislative councils, placate the demands of moderates in Indian National Congress and to increase the participation ..