Page-12 of GS-II: Polity & Constitution of India
Election Commission of India
For the conduct of free and fair elections an independent Election Commission has been provided for in Article 324. Constitution of India has provided a separate chapter for elections and has not left the elections to jurisdiction of the executive ..
Procedure of Amendment of Indian Constitution
Part XX of the Constitution of India has only one article that is Article 368 that deals with the amendment of the Constitution. As per this article, Parliament may add, amend or repeal any provision of the constitution as per ..
National Commissions for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
For effective implementation of various safeguards provided in the Constitution for the SCs & STs and various other protective legislations, the original constitution had provided for appointment of a Special Officer under Article 338 of the Constitution. This special officer, ..
Tribunals in India: Constitutional Provisions
Tribunals were added in the Constitution by Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976 as Part XIV-A, which has only two articles viz. 323-A and 323-B. While article 323-A deals with Administrative Tribunals; article 323-B deals with tribunals for other matters. In ..
Finance Commission
Finance Commission of India is established by President of India as per Article 280 of the constitution. The first finance commission was established in 1951. The Constitutional requirement for setting up a Finance Commission in India was an original idea, ..
74th Amendment and Municipalities in India
Constitution (Seventy Forth Amendment) Act, 1992 has introduced a new Part IXA in the Constitution, which deals with Municipalities in an article 243 P to 243 ZG. This amendment, also known as Nagarpalika Act, came into force on 1st June ..
Constitution 73rd Amendment and Panchayati Raj in India
The 73rd Amendment 1992 added a new Part IX to the constitution titled “The Panchayats” covering provisions from Article 243 to 243(O); and a new Eleventh Schedule covering 29 subjects within the functions of the Panchayats. Significance of the amendment ..
Delimitation in India
Delimitation means the drawing of boundaries. The boundaries may be domestic, national and International, but the most general use of this term is in context with electoral boundaries. Article 82 (Readjustment after each census) makes provision for delimitation of the ..
Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015
The Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015 has come into force on January 1, 2016. The act has amended the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 based on the recommendation of Law Commission of India (LCI) to make India a hub ..
Taxation Powers of Union and States in India
Indian constitution has divided the taxing powers as well as the spending powers (and responsibilities) between the Union and the state governments. The subjects on which Union or State or both can levy taxes are defined in the 7th schedule ..