Page-10 of GS-II: Polity & Constitution of India

Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2016

In February 2016, Lok Sabha has passed the Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2016 as a follow up to the 100th amendment act of the constitution. The historic land boundary agreement signed between India and Bangladesh had altered the geography and ..

Key Electoral Reforms in India

The notable electoral reforms made in India so far include the following: Election staff is deemed to be on deputation to Election Commission The election staff is now deemed to be on deputation of election commission for the duration of ..

Election Reforms Committees in India

India’s electoral system was largely free from any major flaw till the fourth general elections (1967). The distortions in its working appeared, for the first time, in the fifth general elections (1971) and these got multiplied in the successive elections, ..

Electoral Trust Scheme and Basics About Electoral Trusts in India

In recent times, many of India’s biggest industrial houses have taken advantage of a new law to set up electoral trusts, hoping to make wavelets of their own by giving money to their favourite political parties. The legal framework for ..

Election Expenditure Limit and Monetary System in India

Without money, multi-party democracy cannot function. But there are certain risks of money power such as: Money creates uneven playing field and lack of fair competition Certain sections / parties face disadvantage and political exclusion Money Power results in tainted ..

NOTA (None of the Above) in India

While deciding on a demand for providing negative voting, the Supreme Court, on September 27, 2013 had made a judgement thereby directing the Election Commission to provide the NOTA (None of the Above) option on ballot papers and EVMs. In ..

Representations of Peoples Acts (RoPA), 1950 and 1951: Key Features

Parliament of India had enacted two acts viz. Representations of Peoples Acts (RoPA), 1950 and RoPA, 1951 to provide a detailed framework around free and fair elections in the country. The 1950 law makes provisions for allocation of seats in Lok ..

Evolution of Panchayati Raj System in India

A strong, vibrant local government is a means of political decentralization. There are several advantages of the Decentralization. Decision-making being closer to the people, decentralization ensures decision-makers more effective accountability to the governed. This also ensures more realistic programming, for ..

History of Indian Judiciary

India has a single unified and integrated judicial system and Supreme Court of India is at the apex court of the Indian judicial system. Judiciary plays an important role as an organ of the government. It settles disputes, interprets laws, ..

Increasing numbers in Governor General’s Council

The early charters of the British East India Company have now lost. For the first time, the charter of 1726 empowered the government in Council and three Presidencies to make laws, ordinance and regulations in their jurisdictions. Each presidency was ..