Page-7 of GS-I: Indian Society

Dependency Ratio

Dependency ratio refers to the ratio of persons of ages under 15 years and over 64 years to the persons of ages 15-64 years. The persons below 15 years and above 64 years are defined dependent while persons between 15-64 ..

What are the De-facto and De-jure enumeration in Census?

An important question pertaining to enumeration that always arises at a Population Census is whether the population should be counted on a de-facto basis i.e. at the place where a person is actually found on the reference date of the ..

What are the ‘Canvasser’ method and ‘householder’ method of enumeration?

‘Canvasser’ and the ‘Householder’ methods are the two recognised methods of census enumeration. Under the ‘Canvasser’ method the enumerator approaches every household and records the answer on the schedules himself after ascertaining the particulars from the head of the household ..

Key Facts to Note about PCPNDT Act 2003

Ultrasound applies to all sound waves with a frequency above the audible range of normal human hearing that is around 20 kHz. The frequencies between 2 to 18 MHz are used in diagnostic ultrasound or ultrasonography for visualizing subcutaneous (below ..

National Population Policy 2000

Government of India launched the National Population Policy in 2000 to improve quality of lives of people of India and to provide them with equal opportunities to be productive individual of society. India launched its first programme to emphasize the need ..

Issues around Denotified & Nomadic Tribes (DNTs) of India

Crime was never absent in human society and our country is no exception to this. Right since the Vedic period, we find ample references about crimes and anti-social behaviors. The Vedic literature mentions thieves as Taskars and Stayus.  The degeneration ..

Pam Rajput Committee on Status of Women in India

The Pam Rajput committee recently submitted its interim report on “Status of Women in India” to the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD). Background The MWCD had appointed a 14-member High Level Committee, headed by Pam Rajput, in Feb ..