GS-I: Indian Society
Triple Talaq in India: Background, Court Cases and Recent Updates
Triple Talaq or talaq-e-biddat (instant divorce) or talaq-e-mughallazah (irrevocable divorce) is one of the methods used in Islam to end the marriage. It is one of the methods of divorce in Islam. In India, the practice was held unconstitutional, arbitrary and ..
Two Child Norm for Elections in India
Some states have legislated two-child norms for certain elected posts. The policy is modelled after China’s one child policy, which now allows couples to have two children effective from 1 January 2016. This policy aims to create disadvantage for families ..
Growing “North-South” Disparity in Population & Demographic Divide
The 2011 Census has confirmed the striking demographic imbalance between northern and southern states of India. Some of the facts which highlight the growing ‘North-South’ disparity in India are the following: The average decadal growth (2001-2011) in Uttar Pradesh (UP) ..
Population Stabilization Fund (Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh-JSK)
The Population Stabilization Fund was set up in 2005 by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare with an aim to achieve population stabilization. Structure JSK has been set up as an autonomous body registered as a Society under the ..
Successful Models of Population Control in States
Kerala Model Kerala is the leading example for population stabilization in the country. When compared with China, Kerala’s birth, death and infant mortality rates are lower and literacy rates are higher. Kerala has achieved all these achievements without resorting to ..
Trends in Demographic Transition in India
Following are the four stage trends in demographic transition in India. First Stage In India, the first stage of demographic transition was witnessed till 1920 when both the birth and death rates were very high. Second Stage The first stage ..
Overview of National Population Polices in India
Since the middle of the 20th century, developing countries like India have been facing the problem of unsustainable population growth that had placed a lot of pressure on their development pattern and prosperity. In this article we will see in ..
Family Planning in India: Components, Barriers and Suggested Measures
The concept of family planning implies both the limitation of the family to have only the desired number of children which are considered appropriate to the resource availability of the family as well as having proper spacing between children. The ..
Effects of Rapid Population Growth in India
The following are the various effects of rapid growth of population in developing countries in general and India in particular. Growing Unemployment Educated people aspire for jobs of greater prestige. Since, creating employment is capital intensive, the ability of economy ..
Age and Sex Structure in India
Age and sex structure are an important biological attributes of any population. These factors affect demographic structure, social, economic and political status of any society. In society, status and roles are culturally determined and varies with culture. In traditional societies, ..