UPSC Mains Questions on Current Affairs: October 11, 2017

  1. While critically scrutinizing their roles, justify why the Departmentally-related standing committees are called Mini-parliaments? Suggest steps to make their functioning even better.
Category - GS-II: Parliament and State Legislatures – structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these
  1. Despite that “living will” seems to be a corollary to passive euthanasia, why there is opposition to living will? Critically examine.
The Hindu | HT

Category – GS-I: Indian Society & Social Issues

  1. Critically examine the deep sea fishing angle in the India-Sri Lanka bilateral relations. How this issue can be resolved? Make logical suggestions.
The Hindu

Category – GS-II- India and its Neighborhood Relations

  1. Critically analyze the impact of too high and too low oil prices on Indian economy.
ET | Live Mint | Business Standard

Category – GS-III: Indian Economy & Development

  1. What do you understand by so called ‘nudge theory’? Explain while elucidating its impacts for people and government.

Category – GS-III: Indian Economy & Development

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