UPSC Mains Questions on Current Affairs: 30-08-2017

  1. What are the tangible benefits of the geotagging of the assets created under MGNREGA? Elucidate the role of National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), ISRO and National Informatics Centre in geotagging.

Category – GS-III- Science and Technology – developments and their applications and effects in everyday life

  1. What are “minority institutions”? How are they different from other institutions? Discuss in the light of constitutional provisions.
    Indian Express

Category – GS-II- Statutory, Regulatory and Quasi-judicial bodies

  1. “Urban floods are significantly different from rural flooding.” Discuss while highlighting the causes of Urban Floods in India.
    NDMA | GKToday

Category – GS-III: Sci-Tech, Environment & Disaster Management

  1. Make an assessment of five years of National Green Tribunal performance putting major decisions and cases in light? Also comment on the apparent conflicts between NGT’s green activism and development agenda of successive governments.

Category – GS-III- Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment.

  1. Critically comment on the government’s plans to create a subsidy package to encourage consumers to switch from cash payments to digital.

Category – GS-III: Indian Economy & Development

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