UPSC Daily Prelims General Studies Quiz – 10
1. A person weighing 80 Kg. is standing on an accurate scale in an elevator. The elevator is slowing down while moving downwards. In this case the scale will read__?
[A] 80 Kg.
[B] Less than 80 Kg
[C] More than 80 Kg
[D] Either less or more than 80 Kg
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In this case, the person is accelerating upwards (because it is slowing down while moving downwards). Due to this, the upward scale force must be larger than the downward gravitational force. Thus the scale force is larger than the weight of the person.
2. A person who wants to be Attorney General of India must also be qualified to be appointed as __?
[A] Chief Justice of India
[B] Chief Justice of High Court
[C] Judge of Supreme Court
[D] Judge of High Court
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Article 76 Provides for an Attorney General of India. Attorney General is Indian government’s chief legal advisor and its primary lawyer in the Supreme Court of India. The person must be a person qualified to be appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court.
3. A person who wants to contest the election of the Vice President of India should be:
1. Qualified to become a member of Rajya Sabha
2. His nomination paper should be subscribed by at least 20 electors as proposer
3. His nomination paper should be subscribed by at least 20 electors as seconders
Which among the above statements is / are correct?
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
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The Presidential candidate must be qualified for election as a member of the House of the People (Lok Sabha) while the Vice President should be qualified for election as a member of the Council of States (Rajya Sabha). Detailed provisions regarding the election are contained in the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952 (No. 31 of 1952) and the rules made there under The Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Rules, 1974. An Ordinance was also promulgated on 5th June 1997 to further amend The Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952, which was later converted into an Act. These Acts introduced various important provisions relating to the mode and manner of elections to the offices of the President and Vice-President. A prospective Presidential candidate should get his nomination paper subscribed by at least fifty electors as proposers, and at least fifty electors as seconders. In the case of prospective Vice-Presidential candidate, the nomination paper should be subscribed by at least twenty electors as proposers, and at least twenty electors as seconders. No elector shall subscribe whether as proposers or as seconder, more than one nomination paper at the same election and if he does so, his signature shall be inoperative on any paper other than the one first delivered.
4. A pesticide packet has a label showing a square divided into two triangles with lower triangle in bright yellow colour. This implies that the pesticide is __:
[A] Not toxic
[B] Slightly toxic
[C] Highly Toxic
[D] Extremely toxic
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5. A pesticide will generally undergo Bio-amplification in the food chain if __:
1. It is soluble in water
2. It is lipophilic
3. It is not easily degraded
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
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Any substance more soluble in tissue than the surrounding media has the tendency to concentrate in the food chain of more complex biological species that live on simpler biological species. So, in a nutshell, bio amplification occurs when concentrations of toxins are passed on from smaller prey to larger predators. There are two main groups of substances that biomagnify. Both are Iipophilic and not easily degraded. Novel organic substances are not easily degraded because organisms lack previous exposure and have thus not evolved specific detoxification and excretion mechanisms, as there has been no selection pressure from them. These substances are consequently known as ‘persistent organic pollutants’ or POPs. Metals are not degradable because they are elements. Organisms, particularly those subject to naturally high levels of exposure to metals, have mechanisms to sequester and excrete metals. Problems arise when organisms are exposed to higher concentrations than usual, which they cannot excrete rapidly enough to prevent damage. These metals are transferred in an organic form.
6. A piece of Ice was tied with a string to a water bucket’s bottom, and the water bucket was filled with water with ice fully submerged in it. What would be the impact on the level of water when the ice melts away completely?
[A] The level of water will go up
[B] The level of water will go down
[C] The level of water will remain unchanged
[D] The level of water will first increase then come to the previous one
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When Ice floats in water, the level of water will remain unchanged when the ice melts away because in this situation, Ice replaced water which is “equal to its weight”. But when the floating ice is taken down in the bottom of the bucket and tied over there with a string, and let melt away, the level of water will come down because now the ice was replacing the water “equal to its volume and Ice has a lower density of water. So The answer of this question is “The level of water will go down”.
7. A plant that grows in waters of high salinity is called_?
[A] Halophytes
[B] Oxylophytes
[C] Psammophytes
[D] Chasmophytes
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A plant that grows in waters of high salinity is called halophyte.
8. A pressure cooker on a stove with its lid tightly closed and the whistle in position is an example of:
[A] open system
[B] closed system
[C] isolated system
[D] adiabatic system
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Closed system is that system which doesn't exchange any matter with its surroundings. An isolated system is that in which neither mass nor energy can enter or leave the system.
9. A Private Company is different from a Public Company in the sense that__:
1. There is a restriction on transferability of shares in Private Company, while in Public company, there is no such restriction
2. A private company should have at least one director, a public company should have at least 2 directors
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 is correct
[B] Only 2 is correct
[C] Both 1 & 2 are correct
[D] Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
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[table id=144 /]
10. A Pyramids of Biomass is inverted in case of ___:
1. Grassland Ecosystem
2. Pond Ecosystem
3. Forest Ecosystem
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2
[C] Only 2 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
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In the Grasslands and Forests, there is a decrease in the Biomass of the organisms at successive levels of the food chain so the Pyramid of Biomass is upright. It is inverse in Pond ecosystem, where the producers have least biomass. |